It's hard to put this into words after losing my son back in January my father in law has gone all nasty on me and outright ignored my husband today. I don't want to get into detail but he helped us out I was on the phone to my mother her in law and he just went off his brain due to mis communication I barely got a chance to say hello and he was being a complete a*** of himself in front of his son and in front of other people. After working so hard to get my walls back down after having heated conversations with my husband's sister my father in law turned around and said I don't have any interest in what you say I was bein gv the bigger person and saying thank you after the help my husband's parents gave us...
3 Replies
People Grieve in different ways
We think he might have damentia and as w well
Although his behaviour seems poor maybe concessions need to be made under the circumstances, although that doesn’t make it any easier for you.