I'm suffering with depression a lot lately. Everything is so overwhelming. I can't switch off I can't sleep I can't even exercise any more. I can't sit down and teach my 4 year old daughter to write her name for school next year. I can't ring around and find my daughter NDIS OTs. I mean everything is to much. I just feel so guilty for putting my daughter on my phone and going to bed and spending most my days.
I feel almost dirty all the time. Im seeing a dermatologist for my cystic acne but nothing he has prescribed to me is working. I keep showing thinking that will make me feel cleaner and happier but it doesn't help.
I've decided to move in a couple of.months interstate to be closer to my dad for support.
I have 3 weeks to finish off my course I'm studying. I need to find a home for my horse. I need to pack boxes organise removal trucks.
I have my daughter full time no father involvment, who is ADHD/ASD. Its always full on. Right now I'm feeling like nothing is going right for me. Today my car broke down its saying the engine is faulty. I have that to contend to now.
My mother is working against me (we live together) and she puts me down every day calls me names. Loves to push my buttons.
I just feel like I have so much on my plate right now and I'm not coping.
I'm not sure what I'm asking maybe what should I do to manage all this how to cope with it all.
2 Replies
Have you spoken to your GP?
That’s a lot to deal with and no wonder you are struggling. Please call a doctor tomorrow and get a mental health assessment and plan done and ask about getting some antidepressants to get you back on track (don’t have to take them forever). I found Lexapro great and no side effects at all. They started working pretty much immediately for me and 6mths later I stopped taking them and my seratonin levels were back up and all ok. DO NOT suffer in silence, help is out there and you and your daughter need you to be the best you can. Big hugs, it’s hard to see the forest for the trees when you’re really depressed and you just need to take that first step. Some counselling would be great to either now or when you’ve moved