Acne in my late 20s

Anon Imperfect Mum

Acne in my late 20s

Ive tried every product you can think of since I was 11. I've seen a dermatologist and he has put my on aldactone and epicream. I see him again in another 3 weeks. Now 3 weeks into the treatment skin was amazing, I'm talking absolutely flawless I couldn't stop looking at my self. Then I got my period (on the pill) and it all went down hill. I have cysts again. The one I have on my chin is leaking and ugly. They are all under my chin and up my checks again. My skin is so sore and red.
I'm so depressed about it, I'm crying and I just feel like I can't leave the house at all lately. Ive been on the couch yesterday and today just feeling absolutely awful it's taking such a toll on me and making me feel guilty being a bad mum because I can't concentrate on anything but how sore and ugly my face is. Make up isn't covering it. I thought this treatment would work.
What should I do. Does any one else have adult acne?

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m 46! My acne is returning, I had a break between 35 and 45. It’s acne, most people have some level of acne at some time.
You need to speak to your dermatologist. Just because this treatment didn’t work doesn’t mean there isn’t one that will work.

I also think it’s time for you to speak to a psychologist or counsellor. It’s sounds like you need some support mentally and need some coping mechanisms. It might help you to follow some body/image positive people on social media, especially those profiles with skin conditions.

Also some medications take a long time to get the full benefit, so it may take you one or two cycles to get the full effect. If you continue to get break outs during your pill ‘off week’ you might find just continuously taking the active tablets does the trick. Of course you should discuss this all with your doctor.

Anon Imperfect Mum

The Diane pill, or Brenda, they’re the same or roacutane.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Get roaccutane. I suffered with acne from 15-29 . I constantly rejected roaccutane because of all the horror stories I had heard but it was hands down the best thing I’ve ever done. I was on it for 12 months and I barely get a single pimple now and if I do it’s just one or two small ones at my monthly, none of those big cysty f***ers.

Acne completely ruined my confidence for so many years, at 31 I’m finally starting to gain it and I wish I had of just bit the bullet and done it years ago.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm about to hit 30 and in the same boat. I have been on a heavy duty Oral antibiotic and that has helped a huge amount! The pharmacist said I should have been on a lower dose for longer though and it has gradually started creeping back so the GP put me on a cream. I also use a chlorhexidine wash. The other thing is put all your pillows and cases in the sunshine or better yet get new ones as this kills the bacteria that may be causing them. There are so many things that 'help' but none seem to clear it completely for me :(
