I am looking for advice from anyone who was able to study and get a uni degree with a young family.
I am waiting a career change and looking to study midwifery as a mature age student.
Has anyone done this and been able to manage. Childcare, study, part time work and running a house.
Can it be dine?
Will I be entities to any study payments from Centrelink (husband working full time) or just the usual family tax a and b.
Is there any miceives out there who can give me any advice regarding the study load, findibg a job after graduating ect.
I desperately want this I just need inspiratthat it is possible
3 Replies
I’d speak to people that have specifically done mid or nursing. Yes you will manage the study. But it’s the clinical placements that are hard to manage
I’d speak to people that have specifically done mid or nursing. Yes you will manage the study. But it’s the clinical placements that are hard to manage
Hello, I have studied fulltime with a young family and while working part time. I studied Education though, not midwifery. If you're wanting to do it, then the least you can do is try it out. I always encourage people to follow their dreams, however, be prepared for the hard work. It is a huge commitment. A lot of your personal time will be consumed with study - this means late week nights and on weekends. You basically have 3 fulltime jobs - parent/student/employee. In my experience, it changed our lifestyle and I had a minimal social life. Luckily, my hubby was amazing and stepped up by doing more housework, dinners etc. so I had more time to study and kick goals. I didn't realise how time consuming it would be, especially when the assignments role in all at once. It is possible but, again, it's hard work and can be very stressful at times. My advice is try to keep the balance - I struggled with this and now look back at all those weekends I missed doing quality things with my young family. Now my kids are all grown up. Time flies. There's always pros and cons to everything though... One thing I loved was that my timetable was flexible which meant I could be there more for my kids schooling activities and sports (compared to working fulltime where I previously missed out on these things). I also really enjoyed meeting like minded people and the continued personal development and self growth.
Unfortunately, Centrelink don't provide much support, if any, for mature aged students in a relationship as it is income tested. You and hubby would both need to be low income earners to get Austudy, for example. It's all there on the Centrelink website. You might need to consider your financial situation when it comes to unpaid placements and who will care for the kids when you're working tricky shifts. Being a midwife would be a beautiful and rewarding job though. If you're committed and passionate about it, then I say go for it, everyone handles things differently and you'll never know if it's for you until you try it. If it's your dream, you'll always find a way to make it work xxx