Tax question - study


Tax question - study

I’ve recently completed a health administration cert IV course and I’m wondering if I can claim usage of my internet for tax purposes. I am a pharmacy assistant so technically it is classed as retail (TAFE classes it as a health industry). My hope was to move into a new role with these skills but since COVID this may not happen now. Can anyone shed some light?

Posted in:  Education

3 Replies


I’m not completely certain, but I think the study needs to relate directly to the job/industry you are currently working in.


Contact the ato directly. They’re super helpful and approachable with these kinds of questions


Find a good accountant - I never would have dreamed of engaging one but an old school mate of mine now does ours (we live in different states too, he just does it by phone) and he is well worth the money in his knowledge. Find one who does fee from refund, and you can claim the accounting fees in next year's return. Best money we've spent.
