baby naps & colic pains

Anon Imperfect Mum

baby naps & colic pains

hey there, could anyone help me out with suggestions on how to get my 12 week old to sleep during the day? baby has severe colic and have tried all remedies (gripe waters, drops, bicycle kicks, baths & swaddling) and nothing seems to ease it at all! its a all day/night battle with wind and gassy pains.
night sleep is fine will wake 1/2 times for nappy change & bottle then back to sleep.
during the day he barely sleeps, will fall asleep in my arms but as soon as i pop him in his cot will wake within 10mins crying & screaming (seems to be from wind pains) we try this multiple times a day and the only way he will have a good nap is in my arms.. he is well dressed in long sleeve jump suite, singlet, leggings and the room temp is set at 22deg with a blanket covering him.
is there any suggestions you have to help a tired mumma out?

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Baby & Toddler

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Try a dairy free formula.
My daughter was always in pain, It had me in tears so many trips to the hospital, and doctors. I wrote into a mum page and they advised me to get a dairy free formula, that afternoon she was sleeping for hours at a time.
Doctors kept telling me it was colic but something was telling me that that's not right, and I was right she had an allergic reaction to the protine in milk. She has now grown out of it. But colic is a medical term for "i cant figure the problem out."
I hope it helps.
