This is long but I'm lost on what to do... 18 months ago my now 10 yr old boy started getting extreme nose bleeds that lasted up to an hour each constant flow and could happen 5 to 6 times a day (not a picker) his attitude changed too he became very emotional hard to teach and moody so we took him to the gp who did bloods ruled out anything bad, dr advised he should grow out of it but if he is stressed or upset his nose bleeds again, referral to ENT then COVID hit... fast forward to Friday we get a call from school, someone pushed your son into a pole, can you please pick up as he cant feel his arms or legs but can walk so we didn't call and ambulance.. rush from work pick him up, he said he can feel them just not pain, took him to our gp who sent us straight to hospital, he had lost since of pain down the left side. once there he was seen right away, did all the normal test checked his heart and were not sure after 7 hrs he started to get feelings back so we got sent home, next day he woke up with a headache no appetite and very upset he was on verge if tears all morning, cuddled him up with me panadol and rest, no lunch not hungry, around 2pm his left eye dropped he said he couldn't open his eye is was open but not fully called gp who said go straight back up, they did all the same tests again and again sent us home with no answers they don't want to do MRI or CT as they don't want him exposed to radiation i understand were they are coming from but we have no answers at all, he still has a headache today he is still not hungry his eye is bruised he can feel pain again has anyone ever heard or been through this i just want my happy healthy 10 yr old back . Appointment Tuesday at the school for the bullying but do I push or gp for more tests im so lost and anxious please help
14 Replies
You need to go back to hospital and DEMAND an MRI immediately.
Use the words “Ryan’s law”
Your obviously concerned, and for good reason.
Ryan’s law is only law in QLD, but is recognised across the country as the fact the parents are concerned.
The bullying at this point is a separate issue.
Have they run blood tests? I would like to know the Hb levels, and the erythrocyte count. Something Doesn’t seem right, yes nose bleeds can be triggered by stress, but not at this level.
Please continue to seek answers
You are your child's greatest advocate. Let your tiger mamm out & demand action. If your doctor isn't helping find a new one.
Just because they're doctors don't mean they know best. You know he needs help so push. I've had so many issues with doctors ignoring and missing problems for myself, DH & my kids. I don't worry about what they think of me.
Good luck!!
Back to hospital and demand an MRI. Use Ryan’s Rule or whatever the equivalent is in your state. The risk of radiation will most likely be minimal compared to what could potentially be wrong. Refuse to leave until the scan is done.
This could be something very serious like meningococcal!! How dare the hospital send you home!! Go back and demand an MRI immediately.
My son has had numerous MRIs in his short life, don’t let what they said bother you.
Get the MRI, good luck mumma ❤️
MRI doesn't use radiation at all! If u can take him to a children's hospital emergency please do so. He could have a bleed on the brain or even tumor( i don't mean to scare u!). Something doesn't add up and u shouldnt be sent home without some answers.
I’m 28 and have had MRIS every 6 months for 12 years, plus CT scans every two years. I’m fine! Tell them to phuck off nicely and give him the damn scans!
If they won't listen go to a gp who can do a referral for the scans. MRI and CT scans are safer than doing nothing.
DO NOT LEAVE THAT HOSPITAL... I was 12 with serve migraines and first thing they did was book me in for a ct scan. It’s all crap, they can do it and they should. I have also had Bell’s palsy which made my face droop on one side, it was parasailed for a few months. Dr told me to check spots on my tongue with vegemite as it takes away some taste if you have that. I am not trying to scare you but all these symptoms are the ones they check me with my migraines when they were checking for brain tumours or stroke. Numbness, weakness, dropping face, loss on sensation & vomiting.
If could be nothing and could be to do with his spine being out or neck or something simple but you need to rule out the nasties urgently. Do not leave, stand your ground and demand a scan. If this isn’t done file a complaint and ringing up a private practice and pay for it to get him in like yesterday.!! Don’t hesitate time is precious in worse cases. Please update us. I hope he is ok.
I'd take him back to the hospital and demand the mri.. my son is 5 and has had 5 of them, another due next year. Dont rule out a stroke, I never even knew kids had strokes until my son had his.
Any updates?
We have seen our GP more bloods done and is now booked for a MRI tomorrow morning and an appointment with a paediatric specialist bloods have come back with no problems but my GP listened, he thinks it was a concussion but understands our concerns i am hoping we have answers soon.
Our son has feeling back and is doing ok headaches lasted 9 days but panadol and sleep helped.
I hope the mri has given you some answers one way or another. My son has a neurological condition, presented with a number of strange symptoms when he was younger. Wishing you and he lots of good wishes and strength.
Any updates?