Personality changes

Anon Imperfect Mum

Personality changes

I think there is something wrong with me, like  hormonal imbalance or something.
I've been having really bad mood swings and they seem to be rapidly getting worst by the week or day even and my poor kids usually cop the brunt of it. Little annoying things that every kids does that shouldn't bother me do. Too much talking, nagging, bickering and competitiveness between each other, too much mess making and not enough helping.
They are great kids and I don't think they are the cause for my anger and down moods, i think they are just the ones to set it off and i am always snapping at them. They are 5 and 8 yrs.

Pretty much I get so angry or agitated very easily, I have zero motivation and a lot of unwanted, depressing thoughts that I can't seem to shut out. I just feel so flat during the day. My memory is absolutely crap too. My diet is pretty good and I exercise to try and make myself feel better.

I'm only 28 I'm just wondering if anyone has had some kind of hormonal imbalance or medical issue/ deficiency that has pretty much changed their whole personality and made them feel similar to what I've described?
Im writting this because i want to know if there is anything I can ask my doctor look into?

I'm looking into seeing a doctor, it's just going to be a big step for me as I've always bottled things up.

* Edit - my life hasn't really changed at all due to covid.
But all this has gotten alot worse in the past two months or so.
*another edit - havent been on contraception for years as partner had the snip.

Thank you for reading.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Behaviour

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

You don't need a reason to be depressed, it could be depression. See your GP and tell them what you are feeling, if they are a good doctor they will send you for testing to eliminate any possible causes, if that comes back all clear then you may have depression or similar.

Anon Imperfect Mum

See, that's the thing about mental illness. It doesn't just rock up and take your personal circumstances into consideration and decide not to affect you because you have a great life or to use your words "have nothing to be depressed about".
Depression and mental illnesses do not discriminate, people of all walks of life can be impacted.

I'm not saying you do or don't have depression, it would be unwise for me to sit here and try and diagnose you - I'm just suggesting you don't disregard the idea.

Talk to your doctor and tell them everything you mentioned here. They'll know how best to help you!

Anon Imperfect Mum


Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to come across as discriminating. I know you dont need a reason to be depressed I was just trying to describe my situation. I'm not in my usual state of mind right now and have used poor choice of words.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Its a hard year for so many people with the pandemic so that on top of every day, normal life can cause a lot of people to fall into depression.
definitely talk to your GP. You dont need to ask for anything specific, just explain it as you've explained to us here and let them do their work.

Anon Imperfect Mum

The memory issue made me think ADHD. Maybe take an online test and talk to your GP about getting tested through a psychiatrist. Particularly of you have had anxiety issues previously. But either way see the GP they can run some blood test also to rule out other things. Goodluck

Anon Imperfect Mum

Same. I think all the other things you can push aside, but when youre snappy and mean to your kids often, then you realise youre not yourself, time to get off to a gp.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Could have written this myself.


Everything you have written was me to a tee. Long story short, I had depression and had let anxiety rule my life. Mental health issues I bernat even thought I had.

Go and see your doctor. Definitely cover all your bases X
