Behaviour issues with my 7 year old son.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Behaviour issues with my 7 year old son.

Hey everyone,
Im having trouble with my 7 year old son. He got bullied at school a few weeks ago which got sorted. He was playing up at achool which seems to be ok for now, but his behaviour at home is off the rails he isn't listening full of attitude is destroying his room cutting everything. He even steals and lies about everything. I am thinking about seeing a doctor just seems funny his behaviour is like this since this bullying at school. Please help im on tge edge of a breakdown

Posted in:  Behaviour

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Despite whatever has caused it, it's not acceptable and he needs to know that. If you think its really from the bullying, then it needs to be addressed further and maybe talk to a professional about it.
Bottom line is, he needs to stop being disrespectful and destructive. My son is 6 and I would honestly put it as plain as that, "this is not acceptable, and I will not allow you to keep destroying things other wise I will completely cull you room down to the bare minimum".
I would also speak to the school to check in about the bullying. And maybe do some research about other ways for young kids to express their worries and stresses and talk to him about different ways because the destruction is not okay

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’d definitely get him to some counselling soon, before he gets any older and starts being resistant to the idea of it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would think there is still something going on with the kids at school. They have been pulled up, so it's not being done in front of teachers, possibly before and after school. It's getting to your son and he knows no other way to let his fustration/ anger out.
