
Anon Imperfect Mum


My son/s are stealing personal belongings from parent.

I dont know what to do anymore my oldest has been stealing from a very young age we have been at this for 10years, it is affecting me so much. Now its starting to affect the way i deal with him, how things are left in my house. We go through patches where it doesnt happen then its starts again. He will steal anything from money, lollies, toys, undies, other female personal belonging. He has now started stealing grandparents undies which may cause a rift. I think it may be rubbing off on to my next child.
I guess i just wanna know where do i turn now?
What can i do to stop this? Is their any help out there? I just dont want this to get bigger, i want to help him through this find help before its to late an he is older an ends up in trouble with the poilce or in prison (i know thats a long shot, but if i can stop it, it wont come to that). Back story He has adhd only been diagnosed in the last 3 years an the meds work when he takes them which happens everyday except for a day here an there, his father an i have been on an off since he was born, his dad is only around when he isnt working away. Hasnt been here much since covid, he has two younger siblings, starts high school next year.

Im not sure if any of that make sense but any help would be appreciated

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

How old is he firstly? I assume early teens at least if you've been dealing with this for 10 years already?

Toys, money, lollies etc - that's easy to see where the motivation/impulse comes from. The feminine items and underwear, I think the motivation behind that definitely needs to be explored because that's crossing a different line.

I'd look at it beyond the face value of the theft, there's a reason he's compelled to do this. Once it's pinpointed, it can be worked on.

I assume he has a pediatrician? If so, I think that would be the best place to start. It's definitely time for some professional intervention and there is definitely help available for this sort of thing. Even a GP would be able to point you in the right direction of getting some help.

Good luck!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’d be getting him in to see a peadiatrician, psychiatrist and psychologist.

Your GP should help you find the right professionals

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would get a referral to a Psychiatrist (not a Psychologist).
It may be an impulse. Does he feel remorse when he steals? If not, then it is something more. A Psychiatrist will be able to identify this. Good luck, mama! -J.
