Dyslexia Signs in Child


Dyslexia Signs in Child

Hi IM’s
Just putting the feelers out to see what signs your child was showing leading up to being assessed for dyslexia
I’m at a bit of a loss. My 6yo has already been flagged in school and is falling behind. Their teacher has put them in the kindy support group to help them catch up.
Our child quite often will hear a word Eg. dog, but when writing it in a sentence they’ll write the word dot.
They’ve had a hearing test but only a beep test and passed and just waiting on a full hearing assessment now. I can’t really ask about reading and how the letters look. Were there any significant signs that you noticed? Our child also has a speech and language delay but has been seeing a speechy for the last 3 years

Posted in:  Education, Kids

3 Replies


Letters back to front, struggling with any writing, reading more by guess work and recognition. Did the teacher suggest dyslexia or was he just flagged for being a bit behind?


Thank you, he does invert letters and struggles with writing, guesses a lot of words rather than trying to sound them out. The teachers just suggested that he’s fallen behind at the moment, we have a meeting next week so I’ll be sure to discuss. Thank you for your response 🤗


I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for taking your time to answer my question ❤️
Our son had been assessed for asd when he was 3.5yo, he was on the cusp at that time. He was diagnosed with a severe speech and language delay and has been seeing an OT and speechy since then. He’s made significant improvements in that time ❤️
As an update the more extensive hearing test has come back clear, along with a discrimination test.
We’ll definitely be looking into a behavioural optometrist and auditory processing disorder 🤗 I’d never even heard of these things
As far as seeing a psychologist goes, this is in our list of things to do. Our sons a type 1 diabetic also so as part of his care plan it’s recommended to see a psychologist regularly to help with burn out
Thank you again guys ❤️
