Lactose Intolerance in babies?

Lactose Intolerance in babies?

Lactose Intolerance in Babies?
(Formula fed from Birth)

Just wanted to hear from some mums who introduced cows milk at 12 months old and how they discovered that bub was lactose Intolerant?

Have tried our baby (12 mths) with two lots of 30ml cows milk (over 2 days) and the back end has been a mess since..... is this just a tummy adjustment, or something else? Does lactose Intolerance come with any other symptoms aside from back end mess?


Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s probably not lactose that’s the problem as lactose is in breastmilk and formula (unless feeding a lactose free formula).
Have a chat to your GP as there are other ingredients in cows milk that could be causing the issue.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My son would projectile vomit every time.

Kimberly Dawn

Thank you for that.
Luckily we haven't had that!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Was baby breastfed or had formula?
Has baby had any new foods?

Kimberly Dawn

Recently went from 6-12mth to 12+ month formula (same brand) and tried cows milk is the only newly introduced items i can think of! ☹ Her poor little bottom is so red!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Poor girl. It could be a protein allergy. Or another thought, does it mention what the farm feeds the cow - grass or grain. Sometimes that can make a difference- grass is typically better.
Best to book in with a doctor or dietician. Hope she feels better soon x

Anon Imperfect Mum

With my eldest her health care nurse recommended watering down cows milk when first offering it to her, this assisted in the taste difference as well as making it softer on her little belly. Once she got used to that we slowly reduced the ratio of water to milk until it was all milk.

My youngest (9months and breastfeeding fed) is suspected to be lactose intolerant. Before going on a full lactose free diet she was vomiting constantly, explosive diarrhoea, her entire body was cover in eczema, waking 10+ times a night and snored like you wouldn't believe. All of this cleared up within the first month of being lactose free, with the severity of it all decreasing dramatically within the fortnight.

I hope this helps. It is such a terrible feeling when our little ones are hurting and we don't know/able to help 😔
Good luck with it all
