Leaving DV, Guilt, Heartbreak & Children

Anon Imperfect Mum

Leaving DV, Guilt, Heartbreak & Children

Hey Sisterhood,

I don’t know what do.. I am not doing ok.. Life has thrown me some pretty big curve balls, I have just left a domestic violence relationship, with someone that really broke me, I never really understand domestic violence and narcissist behaviour and to be honest I still don’t... but I’m broken, in my life it was always just me and my son who is now 4 years old, his dad never wanted anything to do with him, by choices of his own, so I never forced otherwise even after I tried.. This new man came into my life with me son was about 3... life was glory for us for the first couple of months, and then everything was a roller coaster, ended up in court, ended up back and forth together.. to now.. completely done after a big reality check, my life and my child’s is more important than what I was being blind sided by expecting a big change, that was never happening... Fast forward.. my son is really struggling, I am really struggling.. my boy won’t stop asking about him, why he won’t ring, why we can’t go there.. he is now asking about his dad.. everything I have kept age appropriate.. my son now is struggling when it comes to school drop off, he thinks that I will not be back, even after reassurance, it takes someone having to take him off me, he is fine once I leave.. he is taking it out at home also, not listening, doing things he knows he shouldn’t do, tonight I just broke down, infront or him, one thing I never wanted to do, I just cried and asked him why he was being so naughty and not listening, I feel like I have failed my son, I feel like I have failed as a mother, I have tried to continue our normal routine before all this, I have tried to keep him busy, I am trying so god damn hard, I feel like an absolute failure.. how can I help my son? How can I help myself? I don’t want to be a mother that cries, that breaks down, I want to be here for him, and I’m trying.. I don’t know what else to do.. please any guidance, or advice? I have booked in some counselling sessions for myself and for him, what else can I do :( Help me...

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Loss & Grief, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour, Baby & Toddler, Kids

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I just wanted to say you are strong. You have done all the right things. You have organised counselling. It is raw at the moment but give yourself time to heal. Don't be so hard on yourself. You have been through trauma. We can't be strong all the time.
There is beyond blue, lifeline, the kids helpline. Go see your GP. Trust me you are not alone.
I am 6 months out of an abusive relationship. There is light at the end of the tunnel. You got this.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You are doing all the right things. Maybe keep him busy and taking him on some fun outings on weekends. It will get better in time. Try to distract him. Good for you getting rid of this guy. One day your son will understand why.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I really, truly know how this feels. You are not alone and you are not a bad mother. It takes a lot of strength and bravery to reach out the way that you have. I don't really have any advice except to say, hang in there, do the counselling. You are brave and strong, I believe in you
