Study options


Study options

I want to return to study but finding a course provider is so confusing!
I live in western Sydney, work part time retail, have two small children and I'm in my mid 30s.
I was thinking about studying to become a teacher's aide. There are sooo many course providers when I Google search and the prices range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Why is this? Is there a difference? What's the difference?
It's all online now which makes me nervous also as I'm not very computer savvy.
Are employers biased towards certain course providers?
I just want to make sure I'm choosing the best provider to study under to ensure the best employment opportunities.
Can anyone offer any advice based on their own experiences?

Posted in:  Education

1 Replies


I used to work in tertiary ed. I had a bit to do with outside providers and my best advice is to ask the employers, and other teachers' aides themselves which ones they prefer/got them employed.

Make sure the provider has the relevant state/national provider registration (usually listed at bottom of home page).

Since adult education was deregulated there's a lot of providers. The really expensive ones are mostly targeted at ripping off overseas students or those who need their payment plans.

Tbh most providers are rubbish. They have to meet accredited course criteria but delivery & support is up to them. Could be nil support. Again, ask people in the industry. I'm sure there are facebook forums. Personally, I still look to a TAFE or similar as a starting point for fees etc. because they are respected.

I'm sorry I couldn't be more definitive, but I hope it helps. Using the wrong provider, or on a stranger's say-so is dangerous.
