Hi everyone
So we’ve had our kids at a small local private school and we’ve gotten behind in fees this year, we’ve received a letter from them saying if we don’t pay off the debt in full by the end of this term they won’t be able to stay next year :/ we can pay off the debt but it’s all our savings and money for Christmas and car repairs. Our youngest has had a bad year with school and never wanting to go due to anxiety but she says she absolutely doesn’t want to change schools as she loves the school and she has wonderful friends. Our other daughter really loves the school too but I’m wondering if it’s worth all this money for years on end. What should we do? How do we decide whether to keep them there or change them and if we did change how do we choose a school to send them to?
What to do about school next year?
What to do about school next year?
Posted in:
Parenthood Guilt, Kids, Money
7 Replies
If you can't afford it then the decision is made for you. I don't think private schooling is worth stress and debt. It is also going to get more expensive as they get older so if you're struggling now it will only get worse. I would change schools, kids are more resilient to change than we give them credit for.
Ultimately, private/religious/independent school is a luxury expense. If it gets to the point you can no longer afford that expense or where you're needing to choose between school fees and essential expenses like car repairs - as the above commenter said, the choice has been made for you!
Not to be insensitive to your kids but they'll just have to deal with it (besides, I'm sure they don't love their school/friends that much that they'd forgo christmas).
Check out your local public schools, most would be doing a lot of walk throughs at the moment ready for new enrollments next year. You might be pleasantly surprised by how good and accommodating many public schools are.
When you can't afford Christmas and car repairs, the decision is an easy one.
Check out some local schools - you might be amazed. My son goes to a small beautiful public school, with brilliant educators. Ours fees are $280 for the year, including all resources 🤣
You have no choice. You have to change schools. If you don’t do the car repairs then you’ll have to pay to do them later anyway and you then won’t be able to pay your school fees for next year.
If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. It's not fair on you or on them. Move them.
Have you made an appointment and had a discussion about a possible fee concession? The private high school my son goes to does this, we don't pay full fee even without a health care card as we simply cannot afford it.
If you can’t afford it then change schools to a more affordable one. It’s not a bad thing. You have to do what you have to do.