
Anon Imperfect Mum


Hi Everyone!

Question... how do you stop/teach kids about lying?!
My 6 year old has just started telling a few fibs.
If I was to ask her something big or serious she would 100% tell me the truth and have full faith in her but I've had to pull her up on really minor things like, 'did you unpack your bag?' and she'll say yes when she hasn't, or 'who left the door open?' None of which she'd be in trouble for so it's not out of fear.
I've tried to tell her a lie is a lie, big or little its the same thing.
She knows the difference in telling the truth and a lie, I just don't know if shes trying to get away with stuff, or if she's being lazy or just pushing the boundaries a bit?!

Please don't jump down my throat about her being a terrible kid, this is me being aware and wanting to be proactive about a little something before it becomes a big something.

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

It's quite common at this age. I try to keep the reactions to obvious lies to disappointment that she's lied.

Mine will lie about similar things, bag unpacking, hand washing etc. Usually because she doesn't want to stop what she's doing and go back and do what she should have done.

I reiterate that I don't appreciate the lie, and explain that she's not going to miss anything if she goes and does the task, and that she's not in trouble for not doing the task, only the lie. They grow out of it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Not terrible, just lazy. Say yes so you can do other things. So go and check. If she hasnt done it, say no to what she wanted to do and give her some more chores instead. If she has done it, say woohoo all done, excellent, say yes to her free time.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is a normal stage in psychological development. Don't stress. Just reinforce the value if honesty.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh my gosh! Just these 3 answers have made me feel so much better!! The fact that its normal and you haven't jumped down my throat makes it all a bit easier caus I was worried about posting.
I do feel like I went a little... okay A lot over the top this morning and last night about her lying but I was just so over it!!
I'm hoping it starts to sink in and we can move forward with some of the advice you have given.
Thank you!!!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Natural consequences where possible as well.
If she doesn’t unpack her bag so her lunchbox is washed then give her her lunch packed in a plastic bag because she lied and said she did it. If washing doesn’t get out in the laundry then she wears dirty clothes ect. She will soon realise that she has responsibilities as well and Fibbing about it will not mean that you do it.
