Baby teeth

Anon Imperfect Mum

Baby teeth

My youngest is 20 Months old and has all of his front top and lower teeth and is currently cutting several molars but is missing his top left lateral incisor. There's no sign of it at all yet. The right lateral incisor came in at around 9 months.
Im not worried but after referring to a baby teeth time line chart that says it should have cut around 9-13 months I'm beginning to wonder if it even exists up there in his gum.
Worst case scenario is it just isn't there and we wait for his adult teeth to fill the gap?
I just wanted to ask if anyone else's Bubba got any teeth in really late or not at all. If it's common I won't worry but if it's rare I'll take him to the dentist.
Thanks mummas.

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing, Baby & Toddler, Milestones

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Contact a paediatric dentist, explain what you’ve said here, and ask if it’s worth getting it checked now or at what age the first dental appointment is recommended. In the meantime I wouldn’t stress about it.
