11 year old son.

Anon Imperfect Mum

11 year old son.

I have a 11 year old son.
His father and I are no longer together and haven’t been for 10 years.

My ex and his partner are very involved in my sons life. So no problems there. Everyone gets along. They also don’t have children of their own yet.

However recently my son has said he doesn’t want to go to his dads anymore.
My son has said nothing has happened he just doesn’t want to go there anymore.
My son has a bit of a temper if things don’t go his way.

Would I be doing the right thing in allowing my son to make the choice to stop going there?
Or how do I bring this up with his dad?

I will mention my son has a problem with video games. Always has to be on them.
At his dads there are no video games.

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids, Teenagers, Tips and Advice

10 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

If it were for any other reason, I wouldn’t force him, but this, I would.
I have a similar child lol I get it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

He needs to go to his dads.
Not sending him is a recipe for future disaster because he will learn he can just not have a relationship with either parent over what are minor things.
How will you feel when he doesn’t want to be with you because of a parenting decision you’ve made?
This is the sort of thing that will blow up any co-parenting relationship and potentially end up in court.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I have a similar situation. I said to my son he needs to explain to me why and then I would decide what steps to take next. If he can't give reason them there isn't one to give. I have made it clear to my son as much as I love him and would have him every single minute of the day so does his dad. That routine and consistency is best for everyone unless there is a good reason to change it

Anon Imperfect Mum

Definitely have a chat with dad about what your son is saying, but I wouldn’t be letting him decide not to to go to dads just because he’s not allowed video games there. It sounds as though you need to get strict with enforcing boundaries around video game usage.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Remove video games from your house, at least for a while.
He's 11 and doesn't want to visit dad because he wants to stay where the games are (allegedly). That is a significant gaming problem already.

Anon Imperfect Mum

No way!! You make him go.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Step 1 unplug the PlayStation. Step 2 throw it in the bin. Get control of the situation now while he’s still young. He will carry on for a couple of days and then he over it.

Sue Waters

yes good idea, he must see his dad and his screen time at home must be to a minimum. This addiction to board games in kids is so harmful. Encourage him to other things like board games, making things, riding his bike, skateboard, helping around the house, joining positive groups like scouts, nike riding groups etc

Anon Imperfect Mum

Really?! How would you feel if it was the other way around?
If there are no issues with his dad and partner and nothing significant has happened between them and 11 year old, then there are no excuses for him not to go.
I think all adults need to sit down and have a chat and get on the same page about the video games, sounds like they are already a problem

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sounds like my 11 year old except I’m the meanie with no video games. Being school holidays it’s not such a big issue for us but once school goes back this mumma will be pulling rank
