Miscarriage ?


Miscarriage ?

I found out I was pregnant by dates of last period 7 weeks tomorrow went for dating scan yesterday as my period before was light short (1day) not normal, three positive urine tests, scan couldn’t find anything, internal ultrasound found what might be a sac measuring 4w2 but need to confirm as I have Adenomyosis so he wants to confirm it not just a pocket in my uterus with a further scan, fast forward to this morning I work up to bleeding not heavy but more then spotting and going on all day no clots no cramping etc gp away til next week, will get bloods done then but does this sound like a miscarriage or just bleeding? I have never had any bleeding in previous pregnancies nor ever had a miscarriage I am confused and trying to work out what is going on in my body

Posted in:  Pregnancy

3 Replies


Go to the ER hun if you're worried. I didn't bleed for that long during my pregnancies.


My sister in law has bleeding like you described, she was certain it was a miscarriage, she went straight to ER and it wasn't a miscarriage it was a tear in the lining of something? I can't remember exactly. Anyway she went on to have regular blood tests and now has a very healthy baby.


Thank you sisters , I got into my gp earlier due to a cancellation and I was miscarrying
