I have a toddler who i love with all of me. The problem is he is literally into everything every single day. My landlord doesnt want me putting locks on the cupboards so i contend with him getting into everything everyday. He knocks baby gates down and pulls out every toy he has. When he is in the high chair he throws food everywhere. Im at a lose as to what to do. He is only 18 months old. So im wondering if a playpen is a good idea. Im not saying id put him in it all day long but for his play times and when he is ramaging through the cupboards for time out. No matter how much i clean the house is always a mess. Any tips hints or ideas are welcome. He is not my first but my other children lived in a house where i could put up locks to curb the access
5 Replies
If he gets past baby gates then a playpen will be no match for him, sorry. They're not anchored and very easy to move. As soon as they can stand they will learn to stand on things to climb or pull the playpen to something they can climb on. They're very creative!
I encouraged me kids to focus on the plastics drawer. Courful & lots of shapes. I put everything else out of the way. I found baby locks useless & frustrating. You can get ones that aren't fixed, like ones that slip between two cupboard handles without fixing to anything. I'm sure there's lots of ideas on baby proofing while renting on the internet. Good luck!
There’s other options that aren’t just locks, ones that you need to physically undo and can remove at any time. Your landlord cannot stop you using them.
If he's already a bit of a Houdini he will get out of a play pen!
He'll definitely get out of a play pen! Can't you just take the locks off when you have inspections?
I strap mine in the pram or high chair with some toys if I really need them still for a while, like trying to mop floors or clean the bathroom etc.