What should my brother do ??

What should my brother do ??

Hi Imperfect Mum, I'm in need of so advice please, My brother has split from his girlfriend, her mum had the baby for 3 months an now my brother has the baby as the mother didn't want the baby he 9 mths old 😭 and he has been paying chlid support for the last six months, he has had the baby for a month and a half now, he has contacted child support an they are still taking money off him an she is still get the Centrelink payments and he receives nothing now as he had to give up his job to take care of the baby, any advice from the page would be greatly appreciated, Thank you very much for your help, Amy

Posted in:  Men's Business, Being a Dad

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

He needs to contact centrelink, first priority is to get parentiny payment and ftb. It might take time to prove he has the baby and transfer it from her to him, same as child support, but he needs to get the ball rolling. A month isnt that long in centrelink land unfortunately. All you can do it make sure the claim is in and processing and be patient.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Start with Centrelink. He will need to take proof, maybe a letter from his old employer confirming that he left to care for his child and a few stat decs from people close to him such as yourself. They should get onto it pretty quickly and hopefully they will back date it for him and give her a bill. Be warned though, she may come back for the baby once they stop her payments so I would also get him some legal advice to get something in place BEFORE centrelink gets onto her so she can't just walk in and take him.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Ring Centrelink and change percentage of care and provide whatever they ask.

Ring CSA and ask for a change of care form and also update employment details

Anon Imperfect Mum

I had to do this too. My case was fast tracked via an endorsed letter from my Local Member of Parliament

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would definitely go in and see your local member of parliament but also take the baby to your family Dr and get them to write a letter as well
