Covid life changes - have you had one?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Covid life changes - have you had one?

Has Covid/lockdown/3rd lockdown caused you to feel like changing your life?

I recently had a massive meltdown/breakdown following the 3rd lockdown in Vic. Even though it was only 5 days it was like the final straw. It’s the suddenness of the lockdowns and rules changes that are breaking me mentally. I also hate my job. This last lockdown has got me 99% convinced to leave my job and wing it. Two other friends have had the same experience with this latest lockdown.

My question is has anyone else had a massive mental shift, life evaluation, breakdown, etc during Covid that has made them actually change or plan to change their lives??

Just curious x

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Loss & Grief, Parenthood Guilt

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yep! Diagnosed with severe mental health issues after the second lockdown. We packed up and moved house very quickly and have pretty much changed out entire lives around for the better!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Can I ask what kind of move you made (city to country etc) and how else you changed your lives?

Anon Imperfect Mum

I've wished I wasn't an essential worker and got lockdown. When covid hit, my work hours increased significantly (salary so no pay increase) and it still hasn't settled because changes needed for social distancing are complex and still creating lots of work. I'm exhausted in every way.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Not in VIC so was not affected by lock downs but the pandemic has made me realise how some things that i used to do was really risky.

Like i will never go overseas again without making sure I have access to about 10k emergency money after watching people get stuck and how quickly the air fares went up at the start of last year. I always thought insurance covers things like that but it doesn't.

The other is job security, I have mostly favoured casual jobs but now opt for permanent after seeing the thousands of casuals lose their jobs.

I now keep emergency stores in my house with flour, rice, tinned food, pasta, egg replacer, sugar, powdered milk, toilet paper, dog food etc. Enough to tie us over a week or so if we ever go into lock down so I dont have to struggle to buy these items like early last year when everyone went crazy. Probably a good idea anyway in case we get flooded in or affected by fires or another disaster.

So if anything its made me more organised and prepared for the unknown, something i should have been doing anyway.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yep! Left my awful country town and moved to the city. So many more opportunities and a huge variety of people who are less judgmental. We are still settling in but we are happy

Anon Imperfect Mum

I live in a farming town and know what you mean. But have lived in mining towns and loved it, I think they're more transient so the people are more willing to be a bit friendly to strangers. Farming towns tend to look down their noses at anyone that hasn't lived there their whole lives.
