Dad and daughter communication

Anon Imperfect Mum

Dad and daughter communication

My husband and our eldest daughter (13yo) do not get along. They used to be best buddies when she was little but as she has gotten older and the hormones started flowing, he no longer understands her way of thinking or doing and distrusts everything about her. There have been lies in the past about homework and she tends to not answer her phone with friends sometimes. She grimes about doing her daily chores but still does them (what teen doesn’t imo?!).
Their communication is completely shot at this point. He tries to talk to her but it always ends in angry questioning from him and not believing anything she says which results in her recoiling into her shell. Every time! My daughter and I have a great relationship and it makes it hard for me to not put myself in the middle. I’ve suggested counseling and he’s not interested. I’ve suggested taking note from how I react and deal with those especially hormonal days and he’s not interested. He’s a very old school dad, raised by old school ‘strap on the bum’ and ‘my way or the highway’ parents. So was I but I’ve learnt better. His view is that she’s distrust worthy, lazy and rude yet, I don’t see or get any of that. I see her as a kind, intelligent and thoughtful kid who loves her family and friends. She’s just a new teen going through shit IMO. Pleeeease help! What can I do to help this??

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Men's Business, Being a Dad, Kids, Teenagers, Tips and Advice, Puberty

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Argh no advice I’ve got no clue. Maybe talk to him about how he talks and thinks about how his daughter isn’t a robot and that all kids make mistakes and are learning and just because she did something wrong in the past doesn’t mean she is always wrong.??

Anon Imperfect Mum

Id speak to him about how as her dad he is the role model for how she is loved (or ignored and discarded) and how he treats her now will directly influence her self esteem and the way she interacts with boys/romantic relationships.
So he better get with it as I wouldnt br sitting around for him to write her off. Parenting takes work and an open mind to learn when youre at a loss of what to do.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Keep talking to him. People can change their views no matter how "old school" they are. This is his issue and he needs to work on himself and the way he treats his daughter because right now he is treating her like crap!
