Looking for insight

Anon Imperfect Mum

Looking for insight

I run a maintenance business. We get calls from women in DV situations wanting help repairing tenancies prior to leaving and until now I have been very supportive and understanding. We never judge, we back them up, allow them to pay after works, so they can get out of the space quickly with least fuss. We make repairs quickly, quietly and efficiently. And then they don't pay. I'm over it. $1000's out of pocket over the years. I have to pay my men and for materials. They don't even try and pay it off, or pay a portion. Just disappear. Refuse to respond to email, text, calls. I get they are trying to forget that time, but we were on their side. We had their back. I'm walking the talk.

I'd like some insight into this. I am seriously considering banning work for these people without a $500 deposit. That will just make it harder for them... and I'm gutted that it's come to this.

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Behaviour, IM's In Business

17 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

It sounds like your the one who is least likely to effect there future moving forward. A bad report from a real estate agent will effect there ability to find accomodation, not paying you won’t.
As a business owner I’d start reaching out to some people who work in DV support services in your area. Ask questions about what support is actually available/maybe there is a way to assess who is genuine, and who is not, is there services you can refer them too? Or even a charity who can help cover costs of repairs you can team up with?

Anon Imperfect Mum

You got it, theyre stressed, povvo, going through a huge upheaval and their mind they want to leave it all behind and also have no real relationships keeping them up and feeling connected to the world, the community, humans. They probably have thousands in debt and theyre literally operating in survival mode. Thats why.
And no, thats not your role to pay to fix their house. Id say if you want to help offer a 10 or 20% discount. Payment up front and then get it done quickly and youll be helping more than anyone else will but also not ending up out of pocket.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Business is business.

Sorry I’m going to be harsh but stop doing it.. you don’t deserve to be out of pocket and you also don’t owe it to anyone to “cop it on the chin” just because they’re in a dangerous situation.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Refer their bills to debt collectors

Anon Imperfect Mum

So it's only single mums in dv situations that don't pay? I call bullshit. We have had people from all walks of life not pay up I could never narrow it down to one type of person. By the sounds of it you have it in for single mums and thats why you oddly chose this forum to ask your question and not had a work meeting to discuss, knowing single mums would read it and you would get some kind of satisfaction out of it.

To answer your question, yes, a deposit for EVERYONE is fair and smart. Also find out how you can set up a direct debit agreement and have everyone sign up for it prior if they can't afford to pay it in one sum.

Anon Imperfect Mum

OP here. We do have people from all walks of life not pay. And when a trend occurs, I change how we do business with them to lower our risk. Hence this trend occurring with DV repairs and I'd like some input here to see if there is a way to modify our dealings and improve our payments in a sensitive way. I posted on this forum as reading posts here has influenced my taking on this work in the first place, and being more understanding of them as debtors. I have not set out to offend DV survivors. I have deep respect for their courage. I apologise unreservedly if I have caused offense.
I appreciate your idea of a pre-approved DDebit, thanks for your input.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Also in business you set yourself up with the way you come across. You said yourself you treat this group differently, almost inferring that your work cost/payment is negotiable or unimportant and youre helping them out. Then mad when the payment goes to the bottom of their pile. Definitely need to reflect on your role in this 'trend' and find out ways to 'help' out differently as this is your business.
Perhaps contact the shelter and offer them a heavy discount or even donate to support their work if this is a matter close to your heart.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Gosh she can't win can she. Treats a certain group with sensitivity and special allowances , she cops it for doing so. If she treated them as a full paying non negotiable customers equal to everyone else without empathy she would cop it then too for being greedy, targeting vulnerable groups, and taking advantage.

I don't know why you're so triggered unless you fit the category. In no way was she generating offence to you or anyone but theres always someone out there who takes it as such.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I dont think as triggered as you think. Being emotional then complaining about your business doesnt make sense. This is practical advice to help her reassess. I mean, the simple solution is to treat them the same as all customers from the start to the end. She's changing something though, and it isnt working how she expects it to because at the end of the day its still a business transaction for her.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Why would she cop it? I am the person who responded and i was a single mum who left a dv relationship. I didn't get any special treatment. I still got my power bill and phone bill, still had to pay my rent. This post comes across as though she expects all single mothers to be poor and not pay their bills. Shes asked if she can just ask single mothers for a deposit, why not ask EVERYONE! I'm now a small business owner myself and its funny the latest person that has paid an account owns a multi million dollar company and apparently doesn't pay up easily. I just don't like to see single mums treated differently, whether its by giving pity or treating them based on the stereotypical single mum, just treat everyone the same.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I don’t know how complex it would be but have you considered the payment option of Afterpay, zip pay or Humm?

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is a good idea

Anon Imperfect Mum

OP Here. Thank you. Good idea. I will look into this

Anon Imperfect Mum

Don't rely on verbal agreements. Signed contracts with the option to pay a deposit and then scheduled instalments or a 30 day account with the option to defer an extra week or 2 based on situational needs.
I also think that only taking that work based on DV services recommendations serves 2 purposes. 1, they've already done the evaluation on need. 2, if they contact you first you might be the one to say, "hey I'm sorry I can't do it yet but contact.... and they'll set you up with all sorts of supports". If they haven't got in touch with those resources yet you'll be the person pointing them in the direction required to not just source rental repairs but all the other services they could be accessing but might not know about.
I think it's great that you offer this service and on behalf of any DV sufferers you're helping, male or female, I thank you.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Do you know what really pisses me off about this? Perpetrators of DV are coming out of these situations scott free!

The victims can't or don't pay and end up facing the consequences of that, you as a business owner end up out of pocket but the abusive spouse gets to go about their merry way?!

That makes me so angry.

From a business perspective, do what you've gotta do.

As for the "insight", I've known several people who fled DV situations.
Each and every one of them had to start from scratch financially, many of them lost their homes or ended up with mountainous debts.

Unless a person is a habitual con artist, no one wants to be that person who doesn't pay their bills.

Anon Imperfect Mum

We are also a maintenance business. I find the richer they come across the less likely they are to pay.

We don’t do private work anymore

I rang 1800 respect for a family member recently, they have access to emergency funds upon leaving.

We even had an eftpos machine in our vehicle

Only a month ago a tenant organised work through the realestate then said he would pay.....surprise...he paid what he wanted to......

Just cemented my no private work policy

Anon Imperfect Mum

Stop doing it. They aren’t going to motivated in paying for damage probably caused by their partners. Your getting used and abused.
