9 year old and increasingly bad food habits

Anon Imperfect Mum

9 year old and increasingly bad food habits

Hey mummas, im needing advice, my 9 year old daughter has always been more of a solid girl, tall and in proportion, but stocky- so to say...
Over the last month I've noticed that she is refusing to eat, says she's not hungry, is only eating her sandwhich/lunch out of her lunch box and won't eat much dinner...
how do I approach this with her in a way that is going to be age appropriate and in a way she is going to understand? I don't want her to start unhealthy eating habits around food at such a young age and im growing very worried about her. Thanks

Posted in:  Education, Behaviour, Kids

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Id be finding out if she is actually eating her lunch at school or not.... she could be throwing it out. As someone who has an ED id be checking just incase. Ask a teacher to keep an eye out and speak to your doctor get some bloods etc done and ask them how to approach the subject age appropriately. Without her in the room of course

Anon Imperfect Mum

My daughter has a slightly higher bmi than average and wasn't interested in trying new foods. I enrolled her in the free government program Go4fun online version. It teaches healthy eating habits, portion sizes, keeping active etc with fun challenges and tokens. They send the kids a garmin watch and depending on how many challenges they meet, they will get a prize at the end. My daughter loved it and expanded her food options while improving her eating habits. It may not be exactly what your daughter needs, but I think its well worth a shot to improve her relationship with food and activity.
