I need help! Advice or professional support. I have Three beautiful children who currently live in a week about arrangement with their father and myself.
I am battling with structure, respect, discipline everything. Nothing is working and it is causing huge issues and dysfunction in the household while they are with me. No discipline, or approach is working. I have no doubt there is battles and issues that flow on from the week on/off arrangement but I need assistance or advice in managing this the best I can. Almost like a super nanny(jo frost) or family mentor etc. psychologist is not an option, I have tried this. Their father won’t agree so no psychologist I have contacted(lots) will see us without both parental consent. I know I experience a release of emotions that they build up from the week away.
*Yes the parenting styles differ ridiculously from week to week. The three children dislike the week at their dads and I have no doubt the above issues stem from the other week. Although this is what it is, and I can’t dwell on this or change this so I’m after positive advice, support snd suggestions to work with the situation I am in.
2 Replies
Go to a child psych for yourself. They do not need both parents approval for you to get help. And it really sounds like you do need someone to u unravel whata going on and tell you the right strategies to use.
From my experience, a psych for yourself (adults) will give advice but wont actually be qualified to do so and so they really shouldnt. But they can help you immensely with your own feelings and structured and how you handle those feelings.
I am a single mum, I took my son to a psychologist, they never asked for any such thing, what a ridiculous excuse. I didn’t even tell my ex about it, not that he would probably have a problem.