Healthcare card

Anon Imperfect Mum

Healthcare card

We have recently been approved for a healthcare card due to now being low income.. what can we use this card for? Is it true you can get Discounts off your rates, rego, Ergon ect??
We live in QLD

Posted in:  FAQ

2 Replies

Shelley Terry

If it's in the adults name it can be used for discount medication, utility bills, car registration, public transport, some Drs visits.

Anon Imperfect Mum

We have just lost our HCC after 17 years and are also in Qld. Apart from a discount on our electricity, bulk billing for medical and $6.20 scripts that was all we got. There is no discount for rates, water or rego in Qld. Call your energy provider ASAP and provide them with your concession card number to get the discount.
