Age of kids being left home alone

Anon Imperfect Mum

Age of kids being left home alone

After some opinions, do you think its ok to leave a 10 and 8 year old home alone for 20 mins? Haven't done it but want to know what others think?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt

10 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes, I did when my kids were that age. Short stints home alone is good experience for when they are teenagers when we have no choice but to leave them home. Of course you do still need to trust your instincts and make sure they know how to use a phone etc if needed.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes for sure. My eldest is now 12 but from 10 I left him home alone upto an hour. Now he's 12 I do leave him longer with his 8year old brother. They have a phone to contact me and I'm usually an hour or 2

Anon Imperfect Mum

Depends on the kids in question. There are some 15 year olds who can’t keep themselves out of trouble for 5 minutes, there are some 6 year olds who are really sensible.
If the kids are pretty good, know how to make a phone call and you have a back up system in case you are out longer than expected it’s probably fine.
My son is older, but I text my mum (who lives 15 mins away) to let her know I’m heading out and I’ll message as soon as I get in the door at a set time. If I don’t message she will tear round to my house.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Which state are you in? Consider it from a legal aspect before anything else..

As we have seen just recently on this page, a woman was reported for leaving her daughter home alone.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My 2 are very close in age.
We would leave them home together from 9 years old the youngest.
I could leave my older home alone from 9 years old easy (for about an hour)
I couldn’t leave my younger home alone from same age.

Even now she is nearly 11, I couldn’t leave her for any longer then 1.5hrs, where as my nearly 12yrs is fine.

2 very different personalities

I can leave them together fine, just not her alone.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My kids are 10, 12 and 13.
During covid iso (so 6 to 12 months ago), I started letting all 3 of them stay home together if I needed to pop to the servo, shops, pharmacy etc.
I was never gone more than an hour, they have phone access (I checked in every so often) and we have very trustworthy neighbours to go to in case of an emergency.
The older 2 started staying at home alone at about age 11 if necessary, now they can stay home alone if they choose to. I haven't needed to leave my 10 year old without her big siblings yet but I'm sure she'd probably be ok for 20 mins or so.

I don't think I would be comfortable leaving them at 8 and 10 though. The 10 year old alone for short bursts, yeah. I just feel 10 is still a little too young to be responsible for a younger sibling whilst home alone.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Not at that age, what if they where to fight and one leaves? or they decide to cook or boil the kettle and something goes wrong, They need to think about consequences and problem solving. Most kids at that age don't have those skills yet. For me the what if's far out way the hassle of taking them with me. You will also probably find its illegal and consider abandonment or neglect too so something to also be aware of.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Depends what state your from. If NSW yes I think that’s totally fine😀

Anon Imperfect Mum

I leave my 11 and 8 year olds home alone together for short periods (no longer than 20 mins). Wouldn't leave my 8 year old home alone by himself though because I know he'd get scared.
There is a phone at home they can contact me on and they know the rules for when I'm not there eg. No cooking and staying inside. They literally park themselves in front of the xbox and not move.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Pretty sure its 12 and over by law depending on the state. They are cracking down on people letting under 12s walk just down the street without supervision so not sure what the legal rules are.
