My little friend has asked for your experiences with similar as unfortunately I can’t help her!
She phoned Centrelink last week to advise that she is now in a relationship and has moved in together as she is surprisingly pregnant. They requested she fill out the ModP form, which she has done and uploaded through the app.
How long do they usually take to update her relationship status? Her payments will all be cancelled due to his income so she is eager to have it finalised.
Do they contact the new partner to confirm details? He works full time so if he misses their call will it hold everything up?
She’s concerned that Centrelink will question it due to the pregnancy timing and imply they’ve been in a relationship longer when it was nothing more than FWB. Obviously hard to confirm as Centrelink definition of in a relationship is not black and white. Has anyone had experience with this or know the likely hood of issues being raised?
Any other stories on your experience with similar so I can just send them to her. I think she’s equally anxious about Centrelink being a hassle but also loosing her financial support (2 other children) and solely relying on her new partner as it’s been pretty rushed making this serious decision...
5 Replies
They won’t check, they literally won’t care.
They don't care. They just assess from the date she supplied as the date they commenced living together.
They won't even call her partner to confirm anything they tend to only communicate through inbox messages on her online centrelink profile.
I was in the same situation. This is now 5 yrs ago. Found out we had a baby on the way and just went in to an office and said we are in a relationship from X date. No questions asked. Was changed there and then. Just need income details and other party details. I find it a lot easier to go into an office then a phone call or online.
Centreline will go from what's on the form. There won't be any questions asked.
You can still get pregnant and not be in a relationship. The deciding factor to partner up is that you found out you were pregnant. They wouldn’t ask, it’s not their business if you weren’t living together.