Hey sisterhood,
My amazing beautiful almost 13 year old son is going into high school next year. He’s struggling academically - and knows it. He does try hard but despite that, he is very behind. (Reading and writing at a year 3 level) I’ve started him in tutoring a couple times a week but I’m sooo worried he is going to have a really hard time in high school.
He is a really good kid, doesn’t play up in class, isn’t mixing with the wrong crowd. Kind and caring. He gets along great with his teachers and classmates. No issues at home, sports or school. He just doesn’t retain any information particularly literacy. He’s been in “catch up” literacy groups at school for the past couple of years.
I’ve always just told him to do his best, treat others kindly and with respect. Which he does and I’m so proud of him for that.
I’ve spoken to his teacher, and tutor about it, they both say he’s very far behind and just to encourage him to read more. I’m afraid it just isn’t enough though.
He finishes his homework each week, enjoys his sports, has fun at school and tutoring. I get all my kids to read each night before bed for about half an hour.
How can I help him?
6 Replies
Have you explored assistive technology with him?
I’d focus on keeping his mental health well, and explore digital options.
There are special pens that scan text and read the text aloud. A lot of computers/laptops/devices have voice to text capabilities.
I’d start exploring these options with your son and pushing for accomodations at school to use them.
He would absolutely be allowed to use these at University, and my nephew who has dyslexia is using them at high school. He still practices reading but some kids just never catch up and mean while keeping up with the school work becomes harder and harder, despite being capable with accomodations.
See a paediatrician. There may be more too it than just being behind.
Contact SPELD they can arrange help for the school
Our boy now in year 6 has been heavily tutored since year 1
The only thing that really got him to where he is..is the tutor
He has visual Processing Disorder and Dyslexia
Sorry, reading more is not the answer to being 3 years behind your peers. Go to a paed and work out whats going on, so you can get the right supports in place ,not just reading more.
I would see a psychologist and get a full psychometric assessment this will reveal where he is delayed.
He should be able to meet basic standards if there are no major deficiencies or diagnosis.
However there are some kids/adults who will never reach the minimum standard and that is why as parents we need to focus on the whole child and remember school isn’t the be all to end all. ( I am a teacher of 25 years)
Teacher here, have you been to the paediatrician and had him assessed for dyslexia? Has he been referred for a COG assessment to check for any learning difficulties?
I would 100% take him to a doc and start the process of assessment. He might just need a bit of specialised help.