I know of someone who is claiming single parents payments, is living with her partner whom she is now engaged too and her partner is paying child support as well as helping with household expenses.
Centrelink had been contacted and she got rid of anything of her partners out of the house so it doesn’t look like he is there.
My question is what else can be done about this?
48 Replies
Screen shot Facebook posts that say say they are engaged, photos of them together etc etc. How did she know Centrelink had been notified? How do you know she claims single parents? I've been dobbed in several times since I moved in with my partner 4 years ago which is really funny because I have never claimed or received the single parents pension ever in my life 😂 My youngest was 13 when I moved in and I worked, all I had to do was let them know we were living together and FTB was adjusted. The only way I know we have been dobbed in is because his ex messages him every time, like she's proud of herself and has to tell him 🤣 His ex has it in her head that we are ripping off the government. Make sure you really know that she is claiming that before wasting Centrelink staff time.
Mind your own bloody business is my advice.
Why should this person. Are you doing it too! Why should I have to work to help pay for this fraud!
Keep reporting until something is done. Report to ato, child support anything
Upload photos as much as you can. Give any address he may use. Take photos of their fb etc all the info you can. Give them both their fb names Insta etc. do what you can get to them caught. Get in Crime stoppers online also it’s fraud.!
How do you even know she's claiming SPP and that Centrelink has investigated her etc? I've been dobbed in for apparently being in a relationship when I was on SPP (I wasn't) and they never came to my house.
It doesn’t matter how she knows. She has stated that she knows. I know people who do this also. How do I know? Because they told me. They live like queens. You can soon tell who is and isn’t.
Are you sure this is the payment she is in receipt of. If you’ve reported it and they’ve found no cause to follow up maybe there is none. Maybe butt out and mind your own business
Touchy subject when you are doing the same thing huh! Hopefully you get caught soon too.
Not my world honey. Didn’t answer my question- how do you know what payment she is claiming? My best friend’s husband works in fraud - debt recovery for services Australia and I’m well aware of the amount of complaints and sometimes the assumptions made that good people are doing the wrong thing when they actually are not. There’s even people on here testifying to that end. Be 100% sure before you accusing or wasting someone’s time.
People should also be aware that these sort of repeated complaints are also part of potential DV (see recent news articles). The government spends $$$$ every year chasing fraud don’t waste their time unless you have good proof.
Keep reporting and tell them what they have done moving everything out.
So how do you know all of this? Did she tell you? Have you seen her Centrelink statements?
Hope someone dobs you in too. You can tell who the fraudsters are.
I’m confused by the comment ‘paying child support aswell as helping with household expenses’ ??
Is partner the father of children they have together and he’s paying her child support?
Or he has other children that he pays child support for?
When people lie about being split they usually pay child support to make it look legit, since it's forced anyway also. So they're living together, sharing bills, but also getting child support and SPP that's meant to be paying those bills.
It’s not hard to work out. I know many who claim Child support and claim single parent payments. Disgusting!
There's a lot of single parents that claim child support, that's the point of it 🤔 I don't know why you're disgusted.
It’s the ones who aren’t single claiming to be. It is disgusting
You reported, that’s it, it’s over now, move on with your life.
Your self righteous self can sleep well, knowing you’ve did the right thing.
Give yourself a big pat on the back and mind your own business now.
Wow you sound charming. You sound just like one who would Rort the government. Bit of a touchy subject is it!! Hope someone dobs you in too!
I’m a full time working single mum, who receives an ftb fortnightly payment of 130.
I don’t like people who cheat the system, I don’t even like those not cheating the system who stay on SPP long term and don’t try to better themselves.
But ffs, she’s reported this woman, move on, let Centrelink handle it.
You’ve done your duty, move on, maybe this woman isn’t even on SPP.
It was the added bits like self righteous etc. maybe she’s annoyed that nothing is being done. I know 2 people who have done this for 18 years! I reported them at least 5 times each and nothing ever got done. Mind you I know others now who do it and have done since their kids birth. Genuine single mums need this payment. Can’t believe they keep getting away with it and having more kids to the same father.
Report, then let it go.
By the sounds of it, it’s hurting you more than it’s hurting them.
I think it’s shit too, but they will get their karma.
Would you shut up you stupid woman. Your comments are getting annoying!
The funnies thing about your post is that you are weeding out all the grubs who rort centrelink. Using their kids to claim single parent payments. You can tell those who feel attacked! Good job! Hope they all get caught.
Or maybe we just think she’s reported, done the right thing, now let it go.
Nope! I know after several reports nothing gets done. 18 years I know people who have claimed to be single for while having 4-5 kids in that time to same father still nothing. So best she keeps reporting until something gets done. You can report on crime stoppers now they will be charged with fraud. So hope they cop fraud charges and a huge debt.!
Why would she let it go.? Nothing has happened. Keep going until something does happen.
Keep reporting hahahah! If anyone has a problem with this, they are obviously frauds themselves. You are doing the right thing. Why should us text payers for the bill for those who use their kids for extra income by frauding the government. I don’t go to to work my butt off for my tax to go to people like this. If they can live doing this without any guilt then I hope they cop the full brunt of the law for fraud because they deserve it.
Don’t stop reporting! Do it by phone and online every day of the week until something gets done about it.
Ring child support and report it to them. Tell them what they did and all that you know.
Child support will do nothing, they aren't getting rorted.
Look, I hate centrelink fraudsters as much as the next person but at some point you just have to accept that you did all you could and move on.
There's always going to be people who do the wrong thing and there's always going to be people who get away with it.
The whole system is flawwed.
You can either keep reporting it and keep feeling angry about it or you can just decide you did what you could and leave it in the hands of the authorities since you have already reported it.
I have known 3 people who have carried on about not being able to stand 'centrelink cheats' and 'fraudsters' and they are the same 3 people I've known to rort centrelink and the system 😂🙄 safe to say, they're no longer in my life
Careful you will get abused like the other person who posted similar. Those doing wrong these posts burn them 🔥 it’s a reminder that they are using their kids to gain extra money!
Report it. Again and again. Gather information to help them build a case. Fuck people that deliberately cheat welfare, they deserve to be caught.
I posted something similar and got abused for it. So because I was venting about the amount of people I know who do it, I, the innocent one cops the abuse while they stick up for the cheats. The world is messed up.
Keep ringing with anymore information.
Please keep reporting and tell them where he has moved his stuff too. Tell them their every move. They do put surveillance on people. I know 2 people who have had this and been caught. They desvered it.
The relevant authority has been advised and it is now in their hands, leave it at that.
I see a lot of judgement here on the person rorting the system but none on the OP? This person is clearly hell-bent on taking someone down. That behaviour is a little disturbing IMO.
And to the charming person that is posting on everyone’s comments accusing them of also rorting the system - you need to calm down. I’m going to go ahead and guess that you’re not really paying that much in tax anyway because you don’t seem intelligent enough to be in a well paid job.
This comment wins the Internet today 😂👌
Maybe every welfare cheat needs someone on their ass?
That’s what the authorities are for. The salty Karen’s on the internet aren’t going to solve the world problems.
What happens outside of your house/yard none of your business.
The difference between single parent and partnered is massive. I have been on both single parent was hard to get by but when I started seeing someone and swapped payments it was really hard about $500 a fortnight difference. I have kids to my ex husband so they are the responsibility of the new(ex now) so it was a really rough time. The problem is the payments aren't enough to pay living expenses. I don't condone it but I understand the struggle. If they are your friends maybe have a chat about the possibility of repercussions it is fraud after all.
How about mind your own business, you don't know what's going on so keep out of it. You don't know there situation, maybe she is trying to get a job, maybe she is sick and unable to work. Maybe her partner is on minimum wage and Can't afford to pay for someone else's kid. Especially considering that the payment are not enough to live on.
To actually know these things, you would have to closely know this person so you must talk to her?
Why don't you just tell her you don't agree with it and that you've dobbed her in. Or leave an anonymous note in her letterbox.
Fancy being this jealous of someone you're that close to tho 😬🤦♀️