
Anon Imperfect Mum


Has anyone ever been called to attend a random sample review with Centrelink? I had someone call yesterday, he was so lovely telling me it’s random and based on area, and made an appointment for in 3 weeks time to go into the Centrelink branch and review my FTB. What happens in these appointments? I have anxiety and it’s playing up over the thought of it.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, FAQ

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’ve not done it but this is what I found with google

Anon Imperfect Mum

Never heard of it. It looks as though it's a randomly selected interview to check your details are correct. Just another way for Clink to enjoy wasting people's time & stressing us out, I suppose.


My Clink rant is to tell you you're not alone. Myself, and anyone I admit it to, agree that every communication from Centrelink gives us anxiety - it gives me full on panic attacks when I don't usually suffer from them. The system is truly broken for most people to be frightened of every communication. I'm glad I barely have to deal with them anymore.

So, do any prep they require, go & jump through their hoops. You'll be fine.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I work in this field and they do this randomly also to act on tip offs that may come in from the public. You would be surprised how many family members, business and friends ring us daily with this information.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes I have.
It was actually really good, I didn’t realise I hadn’t been getting certain payments. It was only an extra. $80 a fortnight, but it all adds up!

Anon Imperfect Mum

If you aren’t ding anything wrong by our system then you shouldn’t get anxious over it and have absolutely nothing to worry about. Seems to me that maybe you are claiming single parenting payment or claiming more than you should and they are wanting to make sure, you don’t end up with a debt. I work in this field and we do this to either help people to get the correct payments or it’s a part of our investigating as something isn’t adding up and we need to correct it, so you aren’t over or under paid or we may just be simply be acting off a tip off from the public.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh so you work for centrelink and you’re also a psychic?
I get anxious dealing with them just over my disability pension - track record them causing a monumental fuck up and epic waste of my time will cause that!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Some ones reported you for cheating the system (weather or not u are) and this is them checking on things. Been there, with my partners ex reporting us when we moved in together. She claimed I wasn't reporting my partners income and partnership. But we were doing everything right. Thing was, I still had my unit although I was spending most of our time in his home. The day I handed in my keys was the day I legally become defacto in the eyes of centrelink.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thanks everyone! Definately not claiming single parenting haven’t for years and I’m married. Makes me feel less alone knowing others know my anxiety.
