When does it get easier???

Anon Imperfect Mum

When does it get easier???

Mum of 2 boys aged 5 and 3 and I’m literally at wits end.

I myself am 100% over the none stop arguing and fighting, whinging and whining and flat out refusal to do anything. More so from mr 5 than mr 3 but now he’s decided to copy.

Mornings are our worst, the constant eat your breakfast, brush your teeth, get dressed etc over and over again thats making my head want to explode. I’m tired of repeating myself over and over and over again. It’s so draining.

Everything is a battle, I don’t enjoy my time with them, I don’t want to do anything nice with them because it always gets ruined by someone’s bad behaviour, fighting, arguing etc time outs don’t work, taking things away doesn’t work, canceling things and missing out on fun things/ parties etc doesn’t work. I don’t know what to do anymore.

They each get one on one time where they are good, well behaved etc and then as soon as the other child is around or involved it’s back to the same old. How do I make things easier?

Some days I feel like I don’t want to come home from work because it is so stressful and We are not a happy house. Some days I feel like I don’t want to be a mum anymore because I’m not good enough and that is why they behave the way the do.

Ive tired being calm, I’ve tried ignoring, I’ve ranted and raved. I just don’t know what to do anymore.

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Kids

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

It's always getting easier from here. This is the tough bit. In 3 years they'll both be in school. Sure they'll whinge about going and this and that and still bicker, but it's easier. In another 5 years they'll sleep through the night and be able to do pretty much everything themselves. In another 7 years they'll both be getting themselves to and from school and going out of the house by themselves in their free time.
I know days are long and it feels like forever, but it's not. They're very little right now and it's hard. Self care your way through the hard bits.
