Im in tears !! I felt compelled to say thank you to everyone who sent messages of support on my last post. I am overwhelmed and was not expecting such an understanding and nurturing response.
This whole experience dictated who I was as a mother, daughter, wife and person. I can’t believe it took me 12 painful years to finally realise this was statutory rape. I didn’t even know it had a name. He was a very well loved guy, a doting father and husband so he had everyone fooled.
He knew everything about my abuse when I was 5 and he was my dads best friend so he helped me through our rocky relationship. I worked for him which is where we spent a lot of time alone. This event was very well known in my area and he told lies to protect his reputation. I can assure you his wife was not told the full truth. I do remember him telling her I was 18 at the time and it was once. Everyone blamed me entirely and my own dad called me a sl*t and still talks to him occasionally. He added me on fb under a fake account trying to apologise and ask for me back shortly after the birth of my 2nd child 4 years ago.
They lost an older child, I could never wish that on anyone ever. Therefore, I will never report or intervene with their lives and I wish them nothing but happiness. I simply just want to move on and be free from the way my mind has tortured my whole being for 12 years and created so many insecurities that affect my daily life.
I read every single message and I really feel like this was not my fault now. My husband read them too and he was so happy for me to hear this from others. I did get lucky as he is so loving, protective and patient - I feel safe and loved. I will work on getting the help I need to finally forgive myself and be kind to my inner child.
Thank you all so much xx
7 Replies
I just read your original post and I’m fucking disgusted and am left fuming like you wouldn’t believe 🤬🤬🤬🤬. This prick totally took advantage of you, groomed you and robbed you of your innocence. I pray he has a special place in hell waiting for him soon!
I’m sorry I don’t have any advice and I’m sorry I couldn’t comment on the original post (I’m in Facebook jail for another 8 hours lol). The one thing I ask of you is to please search deep, deep, deep DOWN in your heart to find forgiveness - forgive yourself. Forgive the innocent child that didn’t know any better. Forgive that poor lost soul who was looking for someone to love and protect her, only to be abused in such a fucked up way. And please message me if you’d like to chat ❤️❤️❤️
I’m going to work on this, I just don’t want this to define me anymore. I am just so exhausted by this and it’s time I forgave myself for something that I realise was not my fault. Wow it’s just been eye opening to see all this support. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write to me. I so appreciate it more than you know 💖💖
Take yourself out of the equation and look at it from an outsider's perspective: you are now older, wiser, mentally stronger and healthier, and you're a Mum.
What would you say if your friend's 15yo daughter came up to you and told you that those things happened to her? Would you blame her for that? Would you call it an affair and tell her she's a slut and homewrecker?
You absolutely would NOT. You would raise holy bloody hell that this girl's been groomed and abused, and you would protect her immediately and tell her over and over that it's not her fault, and that she's a victim of a very, very bad man.
So tell that to your own 15yo self until it sinks in.
This is so good to hear. You have your closure now and won’t let any of this hold you back anymore. You doubted yourself so much because the person also who should have been protecting you, wasn’t. You own dad. I don’t know any father who would ever allow such a thing to happen to their daughter. Set yourself free of this now and guilt free. Move forward and enjoy your new freedom of not having this weight you down. put it in the past and focus on your future. I was also very happy to read how supportive everyone was on your post. It’s Exaclty what you needed to set you free.
I am so glad you posted even though you thought you were going to cop crap. You were carrying guilt that didn't even belong to you and I hope now you can get rid of that. I didn't see one comment that suggested you were at fault. It's just really sad you were left to think you were at fault. I would have a very different relationship with my Dad if he treated me like that.
I so wish there was someone in your life at that time that could have helped and supported you and put that disgusting man where he belongs, gaol.
Sending you light and love, beautiful lady.
There probably other ladies living with similar guilt and you have helped them too.
Even if you were 18! He was still an predator, and it doesn’t make it anymore your fault. His wife has no business blaming you at all.