Hi Mums, my husband and I have been together for 20 years and have 2 primary age children together. As babies and all throughout our parenting I have been the one to take them to appointments, vaccinations dental clinics ect with no contention or issues ever.
Fast forward to 2022 and school age kids are eligible for the Covid jab and my husband is completely against having them done, to the point where he has threatened to contact a solicitor and leave the home. I believe the kids should be vaccinated so they have some protection from Covid and keep them out of hospital and safe. They are not sickly kids ect, happy and healthy, but I feel it’s in everyone’s best interest to be jabbed. My husband completely disagrees emphatically. He is also unjabbed and believes in all sorts of conspiracy theories that long term health will be jeopardised if he/they are vaxxed. We are at a complete stalemate, I can’t see any compromise, how do we save our marriage and keep the kids safe?? I’m at a complete loss.
Husband refuses kids jab
Husband refuses kids jab
Posted in:
Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt
51 Replies
I think being in the middle of it all and not really having a "side", I can really see how obnoxious BOTH sides of the argument can be. Nobody is willing to have a broad look at the entire situation, you've all just gone into fight mode. I don't mean on this post even though it's a good example, I mean the whole vaccine argument and needing to be for or against it. The next world war won't be countries it will be pro v anti. People should be looking at all the info so far before deciding whether it's good or bad for their children, not just the facts that support whatever narrative you're trying to spin. There's pros and cons to both sides but when it came to deciding on my kids having it, I decided no.