6 year old - Mental health

Anon Imperfect Mum

6 year old - Mental health

I have a 6 year older son who I am worried about having some mental health issues. He has always been quite an emotional child perhaps sensitive, right from a toddler to now. He is intelligent academically and able excel through school without any issues other than becoming distracted if he is in the company of other bigger personalities. A gentle reminder is all that he has needed for him to align. All of his teachers so far have mentioned that he is positive student and well behaved.

Over the last two years has had a friendship with some other boys through school who are also quite large personalities. He seems to have picked up on some of their concerning behaviours while outside of school and at home such as swearing at his older brother and when things get tough for him emotionally he says that he doesn’t want to be alive anymore and that one day he will kill himself. It’s heartbreaking. I have heard these other boys behave in the same ways and then eventually my son started to say the same things.

He doesn’t struggle to fit in. He’s on track academically, enjoys after school sports but he is very hard on himself. He judges his mistakes and puts himself down if he makes mistakes. He seems to lack a lot of self esteem. He also seems to be tired alot which I don’t know if it’s normal or not. Could there be an imbalance that is effecting his emotional well being? It’s like he struggles to regulate when his emotions become a bit too much.

We are in a stable home/family. Mum, dad, brother and him. No abuse. I have an appointment booked in to see his gp and hoping to get a referral to a psychologist.

Hoping that maybe some one may have some supportive advice to offer who have been in the same situation.

Thanks in advance

Posted in:  Mental Health, Parenthood Guilt, Kids

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

My son is similar to this and noticed it more around the same age in school. I took him to a child psychologist who are amazing. Get a care plan from your Dr and a referral. My son never said these things though that you mentioned but get him in ASAP. Stick to it and if you don’t click with the first psychologist, keep going until you find the right one. My son also prefers to see a female one. They will guide him and offer coping strategies and advice.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Are these stronger personalities bullying him?
Kids who are bullied at school tend to come home and bully siblings to take their power back.
You’re doing the right thing, a psychologist will definitely be able to help him and get to the bottom of what’s going on.
Good luck.
