Hey there
My daughter (7) has been complaining of lower abdomen pain for over a month now. I have taken her to the doctor. She’s had a blood test, urine test and stool sample done. Everything came back perfectly fine. Doctor says her tummy feels normal and he has no idea what it could be. I am so worried! Panadol and nurofen don’t help. Buscopan and Iberogast don’t help. heat packs help a little. She complains daily of her tummy being a little sore and cries because she is over it. She goes to the toilet fine so that’s not an issue I don’t think. If I took her to a paediatrician do you think they can help her?? My heart breaks for her everyday
Thanks for reading
15 Replies
Has she had an ultrasound? Sounds like something is going on. A referral won’t hurt.
I asked the doctor for an ultrasound but he said no it won’t show anything apparently.
Request an ultrasound asap. I can’t believe they haven’t done one. Go to a
Different dr for a different opinion. This isnt right.
I requested one last week and he said no it won’t show anything and doesn’t want her to have any scans done because she’s so young. I’m going to get a second opinion and demand an ultrasound just to rule everything out first. Wait time for paediatrician is a couple of months where we live unfortunately and I can’t watch her suffer like this everyday :(
I would go to ER then when it’s at its worst. They will give you some clues and run a test. Did they do a stool sample?
Sorry just read that they did
Take her to ER when it’s bad. They’ll sort it there and then.It sounds like it’s been going on long enough. Dr can do more, can’t just ignore it. Your poor daughter. Def get a second opinion. Can you also get her some kids movicol to try.? My daughter had it when she had belly pains. Suggested by the Dr. See if that improves it. I’d suggested a gastroentologist
I’d also track when it happens.
Is she anxious? I used to get pain when I was nervous. When my anxiety was good, no pain.
Yes have been doing this. Mostly afternoons and evenings. Sometimes but rarely during the day. She said at school she’s fine … I was also thinking maybe anxiety but she said she doesn’t feel anxious about anything. I also asked if she’s happy with life and if anything is worrying her she can talk to me etc. I just want the best for her but she said she’s fine and doesn’t know why it’s happening. She thinks it’s something related to food. She’s a smart little cookie lol we talk about it a lot because it’s so concerning. The pain only lasts for not very long at a time so I’ve questioned whether I should take her to the hospital or not. She said it’s not a painful pain but it’s annoying and she’s over it. I really feel for her. I have ibs so understand her annoyance and I did think she also had ibs but for it to be daily is what is concerning me. Her stools are also most of the time normal. Surprisingly she did not complain once today of a sore belly so I’m really glad about that. I will definitely be making an appointment With a different doctor tomorrow and see if they can refer us for an ultrasound and maybe an allergy test. If not I will just take her to the hospital …
Won't hurt to rule out the usual intolerances while waiting for second opinion? I get severe pain when I drink milk, ends on the toilet.
My son had this, we did all the tests that came back clear, eventually we came to the conclusion it was anxiety.
I read in one of your replies that your daughter has no troubles or worries consistent with anxiety. I just want to point out that you can have anxiety for absolutely no definable reason and kids can struggle to articulate that feeling so it often comes down to the physical symptoms that they can pinpoint - ie, tummy aches.
I would definitely insist upon an ultrasound though because you need to rule out any physical problem, I'd go to a different GP or a paediatrician if your current doctor continues to refuse.
I think it'd be worth considering food intolerances as well but please get some medical advice/supervision before starting elimination diets though.
How low is the pain? Is it closer to her pelvic region (rather than the stomach region)? It could be due to things like muscle tension or musculoskeletal imbalances (lower abdomen or pelvic pain usually occurs in afternoon/night due to the body being used during the day)
My son had horrendous cramps growing up. When he was 13 we realised he was lactose intolerant. It's diagnosed by elimination. So it could take some time because if it's this it won't show up on any tests .
He no longer has dairy and only has lactose free milk. He's 17 now and has had no further issues .
Does she fart? Could be gas. I used to have terrible stomach pain as a kid and no dr could figure it out. Mum took me to a naturopath or something and they figured it out. 🤯
Anxiety/nervous, talk to her about the difference between pain and maybe feeling butterflies and a nervous tummy.