I am a young mom to 2 beautiful girls (3 years and youngest 9months)
I met my partner or ex partner 2015 We have been together for almost 7 years, got pregnant 2018 unfortunately lost my baby boy due to constant stress and abuse from my partner which I end up going to early labor at 27 weeks...(May his soul rest in peace)
After I was discharge from the hospital he begged me that he would change to be a better man. Foolish me I believed him.
Fast forward to now we have 2 beautiful girls together age 3 and youngest 9 months, just few weeks after I gave birth to my youngest I find out that my sister was pregnant with her 2nd child which was very strange as I didn't know she was in any relationship after a week of digging due to my suspicions I discovered that the baby was for my partner and even the her 1st daughter who is 6 months old than mine is for my partner. I was shuttered because I loved and trusted my sister so much...
Same day I packed my staff and decide that I was gonna leave until he threathned to kill me if i leave with his kids and not even police will be able protect me. I stayed but nothing was the same again I couldn't talk to my mom as I knew if she were to find out that time she would die as her health was not good... my sister will give birth In few days and we stay in the same house after finding out she was pregnant she stop working and dear partner invited her in without me approving... I hate pretending like we are good but deep inside I'm dying of pain and I love her so much that I can't hate her no matter what.
I need advice I want to leave but I know to take the kids with me will be a huge conflict which i believe i am ready to deal with. I have no doubt that he love his kids. Also on my side financial I am not stable yet as I just started working again. Will I be a bad mum if I leave them for 2 to 3 months until I could get a safe place and be independent financially. Or should I bare the pain and stay here until I am stable. I am currently on therapy which is not even helping as the environment is a constant reminder of betrayal.
Thank you
9 Replies
Ring 1800 respect and get some advice on how to leave safely and explain the situation.
This is so messed up. Your partner and sister are scum! How disgusting of both of them. Get an avo in place for some protection and get far away. Reach out to people get help. Don’t tell your sister a thing or your partner. They are awful people. You poor girl and your kids. You need to get far away
Don’t leave your kids , you won’t get them back. Take them with your belongings and run! But do it properly with professionals. Never leave your kids. They deserve you and you only.
Your husband doesn’t deserve them. Evil scumbag! so is your sister. Can’t believe they do this to you.
Don’t leave without your kids or your sister will become their mum.
Good luck, get your ducks in a row and get the hell out of there.
Sending you light and love.
You poor thing. This is hideous what he's done to you. You're living with your sister who has been having an affair with your partner and all your kids are siblings and cousins! Are they still sleeping together? You really need to ring the number the other commenter posted. They will be able to help you! Tell them he has threatened to kill you and you're scared for your life. Please don't stay there and please don't leave your kids with this pathetic excuse for a man!
Leave now! I would do it now while she's waiting for baby to arrive. It will be hard for him to track you down when he's got to play babysitter for his neice/daughter and pre occupied with the birth of his neice/daughter or nephew/son.
1. Ring 1800respect for advice.
2. Do you have someone that lives far away that you can stay with? Ring and see if you can stay with them for a while. Explain the situation and tell them not to tell anyone. If nobody see if there's a refuge in another town that can take you. Yes that means leaving your job but this could save your life. There's plenty of jobs everywhere atm and think about it, do you really want to live where you see these people all the time? Do you want your kids growing up with that confusion? I wouldn't I would be long gone.
3. Get your kids basic belongings like birth certificates, medical stuff, basic clothes. Pack for a few weeks away.
4. Go to police station. Tell them you have just left a DV relationship and he has threatened to kill you in the past, you want an AVO. Maybe even get one against your sister.
5. LEAVE. Don't tell anyone where you are. This situation is so intertwined I wouldn't even tell your Mum where you are. By all means keep in contact with her but until you're on your feet and in a house of your own and have your ex not hassling you, I wouldnt tell anyone where I was. Your sister seems like a lying little so and so, she will surely get info out of your Mum if she wants.
6. This will be the start of your new life. You will realise how he turned you into a doormat, just had to take all this shit without a complaint. You will learn how much better you are than them! You will learn that even though you might love your sister she doesn't love you back. She doesn't deserve anything from you at all. She quite happily tried to ruin your life. But the jokes on her because you've left her with the most pathetic man that exists and he is her problem now. You will also learn that he doesn't really care about his kids or he would not have done this to his family and he would not be threatening to kill their mum. Only up from here! It will be really hard to get through the leaving stage and get established as a single mum but once you're there the world is yours. Go!
Your sister is a whore, your partner is a narcissistic and you need to leave and protect your children.
Go and take your kids.
You can love your sister Cause she’s your sister but you don’t have to trust or respect her. She’s just as bad as him if not worse for letting him do this to you as well.
You have a man who is threatening to kill you , KILL YOU!!!are you hearing those words? and you want to leave the kids with him? Because he loves them? Does he? He didn’t just disrespect you, he’s sneaking around with their Aunty!! He doesn’t give a crap about those kids or you. He’s unstable and could you live with yourself if he harmed them?
I find this story weird. You want to leave him but you love your sister and can’t be mad at her?