Kids sports

Anon Imperfect Mum

Kids sports

Teach your kids good sportsmanship. FFS, tell them to pass the ball, kick it to some one open and not your friend surrounded by half the other team, because they know that's all you ever do.... Don't hog the game, being the best doesn't mean you get to do it all. Pass the ball to that child who is really good by the way, because they are open, ready, and have a clear play at pts. There is no "I" in team.

Posted in:  Education, Behaviour, Kids, Teenagers

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I haven't had this issue with any of my kids sports, and they're definitely not the best on the teams. Maybe talk to your child's coach.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sounds like a coach problem, they should be pulling the kids up on that and have a game plan in place

Anon Imperfect Mum

The coaches are really good actually. There is no real team. It's called super 10's basket ball. It's a group of kids aged 4-10. They break them up into 4 teams and rotate teams every 5mins. Once they are 10 then can entre open comps. They step in, so the younger kids can get a good run, the short ones they lift up in the air so they can shoot. They step in and will give the ball to the other kids who are missing out. But then their are the kids who are naturally good at sport and know it, who just simply won't be team players with parents who encourage this kind of play.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I feel like theres a valuable life lesson in here though.
You're going to meet people in life who are self serving, people who lack integrity, people who lack teamwork skills, people who are needlessly competitive and people who don't play fair.

Better to experience that and learn how to deal with it than to try and eliminate it altogether.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I agree, good sportsmanship needs to start with parents because in my many years of experience with kids sports it's usually not the kids who struggle with it. It's the parents on the sideline who forget they're at a 6 year old's soccer game not the world cup.

The ultimate goal of kids sports if for them to be having fun, if your kid isn't having fun then it's going to be a lot more productive to speak directly to the coach as this is clearly a pointed issue.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My daughter has alot of fun, the coast steps in a fair bit, and makes sure the smaller kids get a go. But parents push their kids to play a certain way

Anon Imperfect Mum

Agree and disagree. I think kids need to learn sportsman ship but I also think if a kid is good then they should be allowed to show off that skill. I'm that parent that encourages my kid to play there best and go get that ball (footy or bball). I think for the type of sporting you are talking about, not games but a more training and learning experience then the coach should be building kids up, getting them confident to play actual competitive games but also teaching to play as a team and getting players to all be friends. I'm that parent that practices with my kids multiple times a week as well as the training sessions because he loves it, it's his passion and he also wants to win as a team. He is also great in helping players that aren't as confident by getting the ball to them but it also backfires for him being really good because he has noticed he has to play twice as hard as some and will ask to go on the bench for a break-all the kids want to win but half don't put the same effort in. I think finding the right team to fit your child is also important- some take it it more serious than others and thats ok
