Looking for a legal rep for family law - with experience in DV

Anon Imperfect Mum

Looking for a legal rep for family law - with experience in DV

My sister is being pursued by an aggressive solicitor on behalf of her abusive husband (separated), there is DV (an order is in place) and she’s trying to maintain custody of her two remaining boys (and seek access to her third who has been isolated by him from the family). They have now entered family court for parenting. She is not eligible for legal aid and I want her to be represented by a strong legal rep in Qld, who has experience in this behaviour. She has always wanted reasonable parenting arrangements but he is just out of control and is now trying to claim she is unstable as a mother and person. We want the boys protected and with her, and him stopped. Can anyone provide a recommendation for a solicitor / barrister? We know it will cost and it’ll be worth it.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Behaviour, Money

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

No advice on solicitors but best of luck to her, it is great you are supporting her so many crumble under the pressure. Keep supporting her hopefully he is seen for what he is.

Anon Imperfect Mum

WallaceWeir Lawyers. Ask to Speak to Cat Wallace.
