Can anyone tell me about home schooling in NSW. Is it hard to start and continue, where do you even begin? My children range in age from 17 down to 11. They all hate school and keep asking me to homeschool them.
I left school at a very early age, so they take after me and I hate it, never had a decent job, and I want them to be successful but right now I feel like I’m failing them.
5 Replies
It is very hard to home school teenagers! You are better off doing online learning which is kind of the same but they do it all for you and you pay for it. You have to be home to help them with it though but obviously that's the same for home schooling so I assume you don't work. There are also alternatives through tafe for your 17 year old they might prefer that as they get the social side as well.
I work nights so am home during the day :)
It is not always hard to homeschool teenagers. I homeschool teenagers and its not difficult at all. Homeschooling suits some kids and not others the same as mainstream school doesn't suit everyone. It's a shame you to see statements like this that might put someone off doing what is in the best interest of their child.
There is a large home-schooling community and I would be reaching out to them. Pretty sure there would be some in whatever area you are in. The massive pluses are that they can still catch up with others for social activities. If it was a choice for me I would have jumped at it. My SIL has home-schooled all of her children and they are just beautiful well rounded people. I have told my children year 11 and 12 in particular I'm happy to be more flexible e.g. online learning, TAFE as long as they stay focused ;)
To homeschool in NSW you register with NESA. The process will take around 12 weeks and includes a home visit. You generally have to keep your kids in school until registration is complete. There are ways around this if needed. NSW has a large homeschooling community and they have a groups on Facebook. That would be your best bet to get the info and support you need to get started.