Kids getting sick all the time!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Kids getting sick all the time!

Hi ladies,

I have 3 kids who have been non-stop sick this term as we head into winter. Colds every second week! School attendance is not great!

Anyone else experiencing this post covid. I know kids are superspreaders but this is ridiculous. They eat vegies and fruit, generally pretty good eaters!

We are in QLD and have battled the mould like everyone else.... is it that?

Or that we have been so isolated and sanitized for 2.5 years?

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing, Kids

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think it's a because we are integrating as a society properly for the first time in 2 years combined with the fact that some people are becoming a bit complacent with hygiene, social distancing and quite frankly, common sense (such as staying home if unwell).

I get how frustrating it is though, we had a few winters like this before covid. There's really not a whole lot you can do but ride it out, try and eat well, pop some vitamins or probiitics and wash hands regularly. Most schools are still set up for home learning, I'd try and make use of that if you can.
