Bullying school Mums.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Bullying school Mums.

Awful mums at school. Making up & spreading rumors I am a prostitute. All biggest gossips. I have reported to the headmaster in an email sighting his responsibility to manage bullying in every area of the school. These women are now trying to drag other parents into it. I am a solo mum with a child with a disability in a town where everyone knows everyone. I dont want some drunken bloke knocking on my door. My child is in class with one of their kids. I have had enough. Saying ignore them is not a response.

Posted in:  Behaviour

21 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Do it back. Tell everyone they're a bunch of crack smoking petty theives who have nothing better to do than pocket their friends stuff and make up lies to feel better about their pathetic life choices.
You do you boo.
And if some drunk guy does knock on your door, send them to their place.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Ignore them js not a response. But you’re doing the right thing. Complaints to the principal, they can be banned from the school. But to make sure it’s not classed as a ‘fight’ you have to ignore them. Do not engage!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Typical small town, small minded bitches who have nothing better to do than make up malicious lies about people because they're so bored with their pitiful existence. My dad is from a tiny coastal town and this is the exact kind of rot half of the locals go on with. This kind of behaviour absolutely incenses me!

I'd actually confront them. Might not be the high road but it's glorious watching people squirm when they're faced with the repercussions of their bullshit.
Be calm but assertive, address the issue without making accusations. Just let them know that you're aware of these nasty rumours and it needs to stop because it's damaging your reputation and potentially putting you and your child in danger.

Anon Imperfect Mum

While I sympathise with you.

I’m not sure it is the principle’s responsibility to manage adult bullies. Nor would he have any authority especially if it is a public school.

I’m so sorry this is happening- hideous behaviour!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes they do, a principal can ban adults from school if their conduct is not appropriate

Anon Imperfect Mum

Different commenter here:

It's actually not that simple to ban parents from school grounds, there has to be reasonable grounds and supporting evidence to take such measures. Looking at this realistically and objectively, the principal isn't going to be able to ban parents because of some gossip between parents and an unsubstantiated rumour that's origin couldn't be proven

Don't get me wrong, it's good the principal is aware incase things escalate or somehow start affecting the students but they aren't going to have a whole lot of power here.

I agree with the below - a cease and desist is the way to go.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Proving that is going to be tough though. If is hearsay and gossip.. a principle absolutely will not get involved unless the behaviour is deemed abusive or towards children.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Get a restraining order on them from the courthouse, there is one that covers this type of behaviour. Tell them you fear for your and child's safety as you have now got attention as being a prostitute. You poor thing some women are just jealous for whatever reason so need to bring people down to reassure themselves that they're better. Weird behaviour that I've experienced myself over the years! I also find as I've lived in a few small towns now that adults that never leave them don't seem to grow up from high school. I think it might be because they don't experience the outside world in a life where they are just a small fish in a big pond which kind of puts your feet on the ground. It stays literally like high school where everyone is in their groups, people get gossiped about and bullied if they threaten anyone's social status.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I don't really see this as a principal matter. Even if he bans them from school grounds it won't change anything. Get a cease and desist notice. It's defamatory if knowingly untrue. If they're employed, they may also have a code of conduct they're breaching that extends to their off site behaviour too.

Anon Imperfect Mum

A prostitute in a small town while actually living there? Yeah righto. I actually am a high class professional one and none of us work in small towns . We tour in big cities only . Those women at that school are that dumb they don't even know this. Get a restraining order . If you can prove who said it too, it can result in a charge and conviction. Sorry you're going through this and having to deal with nasty women .

Anon Imperfect Mum

There's sex workers everywhere lol. Even in my small town of 600 people there are women who have sex for money or drugs I'm not sure what world you live in to think it only exists in cities?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Can you not read? They won’t be permanently LIVING there in a town of 600, do you know this personally? They will be touring . Sometimes for months at a time. We live and work in CITIES unless we are TOURING. What part here did you have difficulty with comprehending?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Nope, definitely live there.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I worked in the employment industry in small towns for years. There is absolutely illegal sex workers in them. They didn't exactly hide it from me.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Whether or not there are sex workers in small towns isn't really the point here.
Besides, I highly doubt any of these school mums truly believe OP is a prostitute. These type of slut shaming rumours are just the easiest way to discredit women or tarnish their reputation, that's clearly what the intent of these school mums is (at least the one who instigated it all).

Anon Imperfect Mum

Rumours can take on a life of their own. Clearly the OP feels they are being taken as being the truth and is fearful of potential risk for the well-being of herself and her family.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh I'm not doubting the very real threat that it's turned into, I was just saying that the person who started it probably didn't really believe it to be true so the argument of how many/little sex workers are in small towns wasn't really relevant.

OP should definitely take action because these rumours are damaging and are obviously negatively affecting her life.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Go up and speak then to directly and ask which one of them is causing rumours. Tell them straight that you are not a prostitute and you will not tolerate their foul mouths degrading you in the community and around the school. Make it clear to them that the lies they are spreading is putting you and your child in danger. How childish are they. Stay right away from them and get on with your life once you set them straight..

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is why I avoid school mums their worse than high school I’m the outsider anyway because I work and don’t let my husband pay for everything while I sit on my ass at home gossiping (not putting down anyone that is a stay at home mum that shits hard work just these particular women) just have a cease and desist order sent to them from a lawyer that will scare the pants off them good luck mumma hope you get it sorted

Anon Imperfect Mum

It is not the principals responsibility to deal with squabbling parents. You should contact the police. The principal can’t help you. They can be banned from school grounds if they are deemed a risk however this won’t stop them spreading rumours.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would 100% go to a lawyer and seek advice. I would also go to the police and see what options you have.
I’m a teacher and there is very little a school can do with this circumstance. This women is an adult, she deserves adult consequences for being a rude bully.
