12 month vaccinations


12 month vaccinations

OK ladies... 12 month vaccines. This probably sounds awful, but I'll be just doing it despite the bubs dad not agreeing - we've never agreed on Vaccinating but I have never backed down nor missed one. We aren't together and im a full time mum.

What should I expect or worry for? I know these ones affect them a little different. My others were mainly fine (low grade temps and sleepy) however it's a different genetic make-up so It makes me worried all over. Especially when baby's uncle " had a bad reaction " that was never medically backed up.

Open to all advice ❤️

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler

6 Replies


Nothing to worry about, you just stay the first 15 minutes because a bad reaction usually happens in that time, so you stay right there. If you’re concerned, book the appt at the hospital or the doctors close to the hospital, so you’re right there for the first 15. But you just wait that and then go home, give Panadol if theyre upset and you won’t see much else going on.


I gave Panadol before the appointment but I really didn’t notice anything.


The most common side effect is fever, grizzlyness and pain/swelling in the injection site. My youngest did get a local reaction in her arm which looked pretty nasty but a few doses of antihistamine cleared it up and she never had a reaction to vaccines since.

I was actually told once by a nurse not to give panadol beforehand because if by the very slim chance there is an adverse reaction, prior pain relief can mask symptoms.

Life threatening reactions tend to happen immediately so that's why they have you wait 15 minutes and obviously you'd just keep an eye out for any out of the ordinary symptoms for a few days following.
Mums know best, you'll know if something is off.


Just do it and don’t over think it.


Please do not give any pain relief before the vaccinations as they can mask any side effects.

Pain relief is only recommended if bub is getting the Meningococcal B vaccine.

This is what I usually do
- try to get a morning appointment
- stay for the 15 minutes
- watch the child closely for the day
- give pain relief as need, if bub gets a temp or is s bit grizzly


My sister held off some as she felt it was too much all at once. She did research it a bit beforehand as well and felt that it was not safe to be giving them all those vaccinations at once. She just spaced them out more. I now wish I had done the same as I still think my son had a bit of a reaction.
