How to help


How to help

How do I help?

My niece and nephews are treated badly.

Their "father" is physically abusive towards the oldest, he will pull his hair until he is on the floor crying, punch him repeatedly in the head and whack him with random objects. He will also do it to the 2 youngest as well.

I know if I make a report the kids will just lie to the authorities as they are petrified of him. The "mother" won't leave as he has threatened her of never seeing the kids again (whole other story with her as well).

All the other adults in their life are literally sitting back and watching it happen! Only time something has been done was when he was in public and another parent seen the verbal abuse and reported to the officials there. The "father" got banned from the sport venue.

I live a few hours from them so can't always be there. I make sure they are with me when I am in the area so I know they are safe. I have had quiet a few run ins with the "father" and told him to pull his head in as well but he just doesn't care.. do I just make the report and hope the kids tell the truth? I believe if the "mother" had people backing her and helping her she may leave and for her it would be good as well.

I have also tried to keep the kids and not send them back but I was made to take them home 😭.

Edit: I have made the phone call. Now just to see if anything is done

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Parenthood Guilt, Kids, Teenagers

14 Replies


Definitely report. It sounds as though Mum is being abused and can't leave for fearing what will happen. Unfortunately you can't just take someones kids but if it's as bad as you say and you still have contact then it should be easy to gather evidence? Keep a diary, take photos, report physical incidents to police. Talk to your other family and see who would be willing to help out Mum if she decided to leave so you can tell her what options she has if she decides to leave. This might help her to do it.


I have made the call.. I am not being silent any more


Well done. Please don’t tell anyone at all if you want to remain anonymous. Trust no one and keep being their voice. They will thank you for it later.


I won't be telling anyone. Not even their grandmother


I was one of these kids, and I remember every fucking person that did nothing. Which was all of them.
Make noise. They're like cockroaches, getting away with it by being covered up. Report it to FACS, call the local police station, tell the school, the neighbours, the kids coaches. More eyes on him at all times.
And build mum up. I hated my mum for staying but as an adult I realise she had been so completely isolated from anyone that was willing to help, that I can understand how she felt that she had no choice. Someone needs to change that mindset. Sounds like you're that someone.


I waited for my niece to leave and made the phone call.


You need to report it. Even if for the paper trail, and so you are not also one of the adults doing nothing while seeing this poor boy being abused. Stand up please.
This reminds me of my childhood friend who was always treated like shit by her dad. Always hurt, punished, berated, we all saw it, our parents all saw it, we even spoke to teachers about it. She was removed from the home at 12, a long time after we all saw it and no one did anything, she went to grandma in a different town. Please stand up for these kids, regardless of what they say, docs will need to tick off whether there is an adult in the home willing to protect them, so that could rev mum and get that ball rolling, opposite to what he’s telling her - she will lose them if she DOESNT protect them.


You keep reporting


Ring crime stoppers and tell them everything you have said here. You might save their lives. They will question them individually and they aren’t stupid! They will know. This scum deserves to be locked up. Poor kids, I would not let this go. They don’t tell them you made the report.


Call their school...they are mandatory reporters.
Make the report. Keep reporting. Never stop fighting for their safety.


I didn't think to call the school. I will do this as well. Thank you


I hope you have reported this by now. Don’t tell anyone just keep reporting until someone listens! Be their voice when no one else is.


I certainly have


I of those children. I even spoke to my school counsellor and nothing happened. It all came to a head when I and my step brother were badly beaten by my father at the age of 15, for coming home late by 5 minutes. It took that beating for something to be done and we ended up living with our grandparents. I felt like no-body cared until we eventually got out of there... Definitely report and tell your niece and nephews that you will do everything you can to help them.
