Hello, a relative of mine has just been told that his son isn't really his son. We don't know what to believe because she has done and said things like this before.
He keeps trying to message but she won't reply. What is the best thing to do in this situation? Does he need to get a DNA test done? Do we get involved?
4 Replies
A dna test is the only way to get the answers he needs.
If he can’t access the child he will have to take it through the courts where he can request a dna test.
His best place to start is wth legal advice. If he googles free legal hotline and the state you are in, they will be able to explain everything and what his options are (as a starting point).
Get a DNA test done. If this needs to be done through court, do that.
Seek legal advice.
Legal advice. Even if he isn't the dad, if he's been told he was and actively involved he would still have access rights depending on the age of the child
best way is court ordered dna test, especially if he is on the birth certificate. at least this is a final answer for all involved, and the poor kid can know who their dad is, what an ugly situation