How to find a girl gang


How to find a girl gang

So I see photos and groups of girls gangs on fb and Instagram all happy all smiles. Some of these girls I know and have known since high school some I have only met once, some are neighbours some I don’t know at all. They look like they have each other’s back, build each other up, support each other! I’ve never had this I really don’t have any friends at all! We have moved around a bit due to my husband’s work and I’ve made some friends but they always seem to fade out or I was the one who was constantly left out or not invited. I’ve tried fitting in, following the crowd and I’ve tried being myself completely, I’ve tried mums groups and gyms, school mums. In the past I went to work to try and make friends. I’ve put myself out there as much as I can without being over the top or to in peoples faces. I’ve done a lot of deep digging in regards to making friends with myself and being happy with my own company. I do suffer with anxiety but I’m pretty good at managing it and come across I think as pretty friendly and confident but I don’t have the group that I long for and I know I’m really missing out on this. I think I’m I’d be a really great girl friend to have in a group, I’m kind, smart and funny, but longing for friends.

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing, FAQ

4 Replies


Try not to get too caught up in finding that perfect insta worthy circle.

What you see on social media is a carefully cultivated image, very rarely is what you see 100% genuine and authentic. I know some ladies personally who have this kind of posse, on SM they're each other's 'ride or dies', they're supportive and give off this whole sisterhood vibe. In real life they all talk the biggest load of crap behind each other's backs, they're critical and judgmental. If that's friendship - they can keep it!

Try and focus on making real connections with people. Put yourself out there, follow your interests and hobbies, get involved in the community. I feel like that's the best way to meet like minded people.


It’s all fake they are all out for themselves on Insta. You don’t need a girl gang. You need your family and gang and a few close friends. What you see on Insta isn’t what you get.


I was in a "girl gang" we went out for coffee with all our little ones tagging along. On the surface it looked the part. Perfect insta photo worthy...
In reality it was the most superficial friendship group I'd ever been involved in! If one girl wasn't able to attend a catch up, she seemed to become the topic of bitching and gossip! It was a constant competition of new shit. New lounge suit. Eugh! It was so boring. I was so bored! I stopped showing up and found a couple of friends I could have REAL conversations with. We aren't a gang and we don't hang out together as a group often but we definitely have each others backs.


I totally get it. I am in the same boat. Most of the time i try not to think about it but deep down I feel like a loser with no friends. Especially when my anxiety and depression is bad and I don't want to worry family I really wish I had at least one close friend to talk to. I hope someone can give you some advice that really helps you. Hugs xxx
