Nipple Vasospasm breastfeeding

Anon Imperfect Mum

Nipple Vasospasm breastfeeding

My baby is 2 months old and I’ve had a really challenging time with breastfeeding this time around. This is my 4th baby.
I’ve got a large crack which is not healing, I’ve worked on attachment etc. I’ve tried using the breast pump but I can’t express enough for a feed so it became too stressful! I’ve started magnesium (300mg daily) fish oil (two tabs), keep my breasts warm. I don’t smoke or drink any caffeine. I’ve been using prescription all purpose nipple ointment (antibiotic/antifungal/anti inflammatory) to help the crack. When baby feeds on the cracked side it’s pretty manageable, but on the other side which isn’t damaged I’m having so much pain when she latched, it does settle, but the nipple is not well shaped afterwards and the feed feels irritating, but not painful as it goes on. Between feeds I’m having horrible pain with the vasospasm, the nipple blanches then goes bright pinky/red and then black/deep purple/blue in colour. Between the razor blades pain of the vasospasm, I’m having days where my nipples just hurt, it’s hard to explain. It’s not everyday tho.

I’ve ordered some breast warmers. I’m waiting to hear back about another IBCLC consult, but did speak with a different one yesterday who basically didn’t add anything, just sympathy.

It’s affecting my relationship with my partner, but I’m bonding well with my baby. I want to breastfeed sooo badly and don’t feel like formula is an option for me (not just because of the “guilt”) and I’m not ready to give up yet but I don’t know how much more pain and discomfort I can take… I’m starting to think about formula but then feel bad for Bub as when I’ve expressed and bottle fed the milk she was soooo relieved to be back at the breast. I don’t have any support to stop breastfeeding either and know I will “hear” about it for a long time (but this isn’t the reason I haven’t stopped). I just know I can do it and want to do it so badly but it’s just so painful!

I guess I’m just asking for some support please and other peoples experiences and what you did to help with the vasospasm? When did it stop? Did you try nifedipine? Did it work? I’ve been warned it changes the taste of the milk. I don’t know what to do :(

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I got my period back at 8wks PP, this is when the breast refusal started… at first it was only for a couple of days before my period but then at 4 months it changed to full refusal, arched back screaming anytime the nipple came near her.
It got to a point I was dreading her latch even though feeding wasn’t painful the pain I felt between feeds was almost unbearable… I was so close to giving up 6 weeks we pumped exclusively… I did 3 days straight of skin to skin with no expectation of feeding, we both relaxed then one day after 6 weeks she just decided to feed. I have an inverted nipple on one side & when she feeds on that side it would still hurt & nipple would be all outta shape so I exclusively pump the left & she exclusively feeds off the right.
Like you I didn’t want to use formula - mainly due to the guilt & cost. I kept up my supply by pumping every 3 hours, taking fenugreek 3xdaily & these lactation cookies

Previous pregnancy I used motilium which worked well too
