Hi all, how long before you child got their period did they start showing signs?
The last 3 months when I get my period it’s almost like my 9 year old has hers as-well just without actually bleeding. She’s extremely emotional and has meltdowns over minor things which she would usually shrug off. She sleeps a lot more and has said she just feel bleh. Could this be a sign that it’s not far away?
She is a good few years younger than I was when I got mine not sure of that even makes a difference. also any suggestions to manage the emotions? I’ve bought her the girl stuff book for her age and she’s started reading it but I’m a little in over my head I thought I had a few more years before having to deal with periods ect
Is my 9 year old getting her period?
Is my 9 year old getting her period?
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4 Replies
My 2 friends daughters got theirs at 9, it could be soon or just hormones kicking in. My daughter is 13 and still hasn’t got hers thank god!
The hormones can play up for ages before your period kicks in for some, and others it’s quick.
There is no hard and fast timeline. It’s great you are aware and not in denial that it’s potentially around the corner though.
Also if you are in a bad mood, it can put others in a bad mood without it being hormonal.
I have heard that women who live together can have their cycles in sync. So perhaps her hormones are starting to sync with yours, even though she’s not at that stage yet. My kids and I lived with my parents for a few years after my marriage ended. I swear menopausal mum would get my pms each month. By the time we moved out, I could pick mum’s moods by my cycle.
I'm 60 and got mine at 11 in year 6, so did my daughter. Just make sure she has a little paper bag with spare undies and an adhesive pad, or period undies in her school bag, and knows how to use them.