Do narcissists ever feel bad?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Do narcissists ever feel bad?

This might be a stupid question but do narcissist people have any feelings? Like, they always make you feel sad and upset, but in their quiet moments, do they ever think to themselves, shit I feel bad for that? I know they would never admit it. Or do they just always 100% of the time think they are just the best person in the world? I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve cried, just curious if they ever feel bad for what they do and say?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

The only way to deal with one is to cut them off. Block block block. They thrive of off your sadness and reactions. Until you block them out with no contact, they will destroy you. Don’t allow this to happen.

Anon Imperfect Mum

No they don’t. Look at the narcissist exposer fb page. Also
Do some googling on it. They aren’t capable of having feelings. They are cold heartless and manipulative.

Anon Imperfect Mum

No they don't.

Anon Imperfect Mum

They do have cognitive empathy and some have, albeit extremely limited, affective empathy.
They are all different, so I think ones on the lower end (higher functioning), can have the rare pang of guilt.
It's uncomfortable for them and they will probably project that shit on to the closest person at the time, but I do believe in rare moments, they can have some clarity.
They are human also, we analyse them so much, but I think we forget that sometimes.

Unfortunately, they are too toxic to have as a regular in your life, take care of yourself x

Anon Imperfect Mum

Nah they really don’t. If they can watch you cry and have no reaction, keep treating you like shit, do you really think they do that in their quiet time?! Mine would beg and plead with me on the phone then hang up and go to the club or sleep like a baby. It’s all an act and all they think about is their supply. They may feel concerned if you’re really about to leave then they’ll put the effort in, but again, it’s not empathy for you, it’s a show, they don’t lose sleep over it when you can’t see them.
Also the fact they recover so quickly and really get over it, even to the point of inconveniencing you because of the things they’ve broken or done etc. there really is no guilt or second-thought about it. You know how you feel like you have to be over it and not bring it up again, because they don’t want to and they’ll tell you you’re the problem for bringing it up? That’s because they are completely over it and THAT is because it never actually bothered them.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m 100% sure my ex is a narcissist and I assure you he has no guilt for the way he has treated me or his own kids over the years. He’ll say he feels bad or whatever but then does the exact same thing but 100 times worse than before, but to cement the pain he’ll use triangulation to isolate me even more from anyone that could possible have been a friend or help me. He could watch me cry and then still turn around it all on me and point out how it’s my own fault I’m upset cause if I did a, b, c then he wouldn’t have done whatever it is that was done that caused the hurt and pain to me and smile at my pain.
No they feel no guilt - ever.

Anon Imperfect Mum


Anon Imperfect Mum

They never feel bad for what they do to you.
They don't feel love or empathy or any form of feelings for another person. They are incapable of those emotions.
Everything they do they justify. They are so deluded that they actually think they have the right to abuse you in any way they want to get what they want.
Educating yourself is your best defence. Learn the cycle of abuse that they use so you are prepared for the crap they will try.
No contact or grey rock if some contact can't be avoided are the only ways to deal with these things. I hope you are either escaped or will soon. Either way be safe.
